Message from @TradChad
Discord ID: 497084193076019211
You're 10000000000000 times more likely to die when you're dead
Fucking hell
@PainSeeker5 are the Marines still there
One marine
And yes
You have about the same risk of dying as a truck driver.
That's not bad.
you are 6 000 000x more likely to believe a Hoax if you are Jewish
@PainSeeker5 l want you to ask them something
season starts tonight
I’ll ask them
Tell me
Stupid damn niggers dont have diamond ores in their inventory
He’s talking about boot camp rn
Ask them if capitalism leads to a slow destruction of morals
@Mord I doubt a marine knows the intrinsics of capitalism
He’s not an economist
l am not an economist and l can answer it
@PainSeeker5 then ask him, if someone dislikes capitalism does that make them a socialist/communist?
Not even 3,000 btw
"what are you, intolerant of anti-semite views?"
TRS does not condone antisemitism
TRS is a jewish server
come on, goys.
Someone ban this goy
whatever, just don´t come to TRS tomorrow
**T**he **R**iba **S**erver
RIba = Muslim world for usury
I’m actually getting under 1,000 US military deaths a year