Message from @Esmannen
Discord ID: 497408743177453588
Porn is produced by atheists @Crime
Obviously porn is made to drain your life energy
It's not all just atheists even though lots of them are
Porn is bad
Imagine people animating that shit
What else then? @Esmannen Religions typically go against it
May be against it but everyone don't completely follow their religion
porn made by jews
Honestly people who let their child go to a pride parade but are scared of Catholic churches... Are brainlets
<@141430331717844992> its a homo problem
Pride parades are scary af
<@141430331717844992> Argument of what?
well there are more public school employees than priests
but good thing I have never been molested
homosexuals have been trying to infiltrate the church, and have succeeded in many cases
1 proof of it is that christianmingle has a homosexuality option <:GigaLul:363417447078035457>
lol catholic priest
they infect <:GWqlabsMingLUL:398950628056891393>
or why sell blacks tbh
if they haven't done anything wrong
And generally if you molest a child you’re not a Christian, you’re an atheist most likely
@Crime gays fuck kids, dont know what point youre making
Maybe a Satanist
A priest molesting children
ah yes these men fucking teen boys, a definite homosexual trait, is actually a catholic problem
maybe because priest cannot fuck any women
because of that stupid Chasity crap
It's called celibacy
and they aren't able to fuck men either
They can say we'll make you go to heaven and get women <:GigaLul:363417447078035457>