Message from @TradChad
Discord ID: 497409384494923797
You have to stay atleast 10m away from the gays
1 proof of it is that christianmingle has a homosexuality option <:GigaLul:363417447078035457>
lol catholic priest
they infect <:GWqlabsMingLUL:398950628056891393>
or why sell blacks tbh
if they haven't done anything wrong
And generally if you molest a child you’re not a Christian, you’re an atheist most likely
@Crime gays fuck kids, dont know what point youre making
Maybe a Satanist
A priest molesting children
ah yes these men fucking teen boys, a definite homosexual trait, is actually a catholic problem
maybe because priest cannot fuck any women
because of that stupid Chasity crap
It's called celibacy
They can say we'll make you go to heaven and get women <:GigaLul:363417447078035457>
why do they even have that
>celibacy only applies to women
>not having sex makes you a child rapidt
ok retard
so your argument is bullshit
@GrandxSlam You can’t fuck women so you one day sperge out and fuck a child?
seeing how they can't fuck any women, and surrounded by pretty much men/boys all the time
@GrandxSlam this is the most retarded line of logic i have ever heard
@GrandxSlam they can't fuck any men either retarded
no shit
why do you think celibacy only applies to fucking women
because it seems these priest are fucking boys
priests have power over literally anyone who goes to the church, and why would not having sex makes you fuck kids
because they are homosexuals infiltrating the church
dude when a straight man can't handle being celibate he fucks a woman not a teenage boy
your logic is retarded
ok so there are gay catholic priest
why not kick them out instead of trying to hide it like they did before
not hide