Message from @NormieCamo
Discord ID: 497737667686039564
Unite the right.
not enough border gore
@NormieCamo lex is gone
when are the arrests supposed to start happening?
what arrests
Q shit posted yesterday
Q big fake
yea ik its a larp
remember when Q said hillary would be arrested in a week, about a year ago?
I do
each generation has its false prophets
the_donald is so based and redpilled!!!!
probably manufactured in china
very baste
copyright infringement
@thrill_house You won’t get any other nationalism
Than CivNats
And even the CivNat movements risk losing
um sweetie people won't believe in what lots of people believe
a few years ago you could just as easily say you won't get nationalism, even moderate globalists might lose
defeatism is cancer
she's right
weak men go for asian girls because there are lots of them and they have low standards for whitey
East Asian*
I always forget the brown asians exist
East Asian women aren’t really attractive
At all