Message from @Thule-Gesellschaft [☩]
Discord ID: 498439132465594378
I can vote for finns party
which I will do
What's your ideal party up there? @Darkstar
Finns party
Well what does it do
@Darkstar What have I done? Well for now I'm only really capable of small things. Teaching people to not be liberals, atheists, cuckservatives etc
Maybe in the future I will be capable of much more
piece by piece
elitism is good
if you're not elite you're shit
national populist party
not in money sense
money =/= elite
morals, aesthetic, discipline
Rich people belong to the elite nowdays
you and me don't
the merchant caste was often looked down on
rightfully so
Merchants were lit boys
Hard work
they're petty opportunists mostly
hard working people deserve to keep the money they make
@Darkstar Do you like mcdonalds?
@Logical-Scholar meh
there is only 1 mcdonalds here
@Darkstar sure, I never said they don't
in many ways I respect the shudra, or the plebeian class way more than the merchants
because they provide value
ne wiston híe drihten god
merchants try to trade value
no vedic tag
get rekt
I will be leaving now
I hope you all have a good day
spread your gene pool stay cool