Message from @TheNikitis
Discord ID: 556647276009881610
Listen here BUSTER
my goldfish got ran over while I was taking it out for a walk, have some respect for me, as I am deeply and emotionally *depressed.*
Go CraZy aaah Go StupId
Sucka blyat
brexit means brexit
george is an internet sensation
A lot of you have a lot of growing up to do. And need to wake up
was the goldfish flat like the earth?
@TheNikitis IKR
Yeah man @Regina George
ur welcome bubs x
brexit means brexit
@TheNikitis im 78 shut it you mong
#BrexitMeansBrexit UWU
brexit MEANS brexit
whomp whomp whomp
Have you heard Australia’s fake?
The NZ shooting was a random job, made to look professional
@mon aksel pfp nice
YeAh YeAh yeAH
australia is not real
As an aussie I am offended people think Australia is fake.
@L.O.X no, he said sub to pewdiepie to accelerate the culture war
Whomp whomp whomp
whoop whoop whoop
NZ shooting was staged to create the race war
australia isnt real
Sub to Pewdiepie