Message from @Dyno

Discord ID: 498730985857220609

2018-10-08 05:37:15 UTC  

What the fuck did you just call me? @Aurelia

2018-10-08 05:37:18 UTC  

Sanatanism can be considered as one.

2018-10-08 05:37:21 UTC  


2018-10-08 05:37:31 UTC  

No need for harsh language you dead german bureaucrat

2018-10-08 05:37:32 UTC  

meh depends

2018-10-08 05:37:35 UTC  

some takes are worse than others

2018-10-08 05:38:01 UTC  

European takes given our genetics are always going to be higher

2018-10-08 05:38:04 UTC  

on a scale of one to ten i think trump is a 2

2018-10-08 05:38:14 UTC  

well not *always*

2018-10-08 05:38:15 UTC  

but generally

2018-10-08 05:38:22 UTC  

That's the only problem with Aryan vedicism is... They didn't made a solid structure.

2018-10-08 05:38:30 UTC  

what do you mean

2018-10-08 05:38:33 UTC  

I will destroy you @Aurelia

2018-10-08 05:38:34 UTC  

they address like everything

2018-10-08 05:38:35 UTC  


2018-10-08 05:38:39 UTC  


2018-10-08 05:38:40 UTC  


2018-10-08 05:38:42 UTC  

@CaptainDynamite no u bitch

2018-10-08 05:38:49 UTC  


2018-10-08 05:38:51 UTC  


2018-10-08 05:38:53 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Aurelia#4420 was kicked***

2018-10-08 05:38:57 UTC  


2018-10-08 05:39:04 UTC

2018-10-08 05:39:04 UTC  

They should have defined the full system instead of giving Freedom to fags like Dravidians to have their own takes.

2018-10-08 05:39:06 UTC  

The low energy raiding dykes came back

2018-10-08 05:39:15 UTC  

Like what they did with Hinduism.

2018-10-08 05:39:22 UTC  

@Thule-Gesellschaft [☩] so how's your migration to the northwest going

2018-10-08 05:39:35 UTC  

@Zionist the problem is they race mixed

2018-10-08 05:39:41 UTC  

and it led to the degradation of dharma

2018-10-08 05:39:44 UTC  

What even is a paleoconservative

2018-10-08 05:39:52 UTC  

@Mr. Dr. Professor. Vaughn gonna take me a while

2018-10-08 05:40:00 UTC  

might do grad school

2018-10-08 05:40:06 UTC  

oh man

2018-10-08 05:40:14 UTC  

the debt accumulation

2018-10-08 05:40:15 UTC  

@CaptainDynamite the non gay version of conservatism

2018-10-08 05:40:40 UTC  


2018-10-08 05:40:42 UTC  

My father's eyes are blue but not mine cuz my mother had brown eyes.
We're almost at the point of extinction.
Indian aryans won't be existing anymore by 2050.

2018-10-08 05:40:43 UTC  

@Mr. Dr. Professor. Vaughn well it's either that or get some jewwy job and work for 5 years until citizenship

2018-10-08 05:41:08 UTC  

@Zionist it does warn in the texts not to associate with aboriginals

2018-10-08 05:41:43 UTC  

I mean Aryans have even done wonders with the pitiful foundation semitic theology has provided them

2018-10-08 05:41:45 UTC