Message from @WizardLizardInABlizzard
Discord ID: 500401862554681354
Whites will even be a higher majority of the world
Theres no point in protecting America
Why the fuck france still have colonies
Let it fall
and britain doesn't
fuck france
british administration is horrendous
France est epic
P90? What game Pubg
find me a wii game
this boi said pubg
pubg is a fortnite ripoff
Je ne comprend pas
change my mind
Pubg isn't a rip off of fortnite or fortnite isn't a rip off none of them are
Idk what that means sorry
Yet again
My grammar gets bad
Are you talking to me
I thought you were talking about me
Lol no
If global warming iz real, then why is arctic ice decreasing
Tuk Puk
eyy @TradChad
whats boppin
Wrong guy
bop him off the server asap
``what is bop``
who is the real tradchad