Message from @Roleet
Discord ID: 501915910215434241
You should not seek the validation of some central relgion or their followers. All that matters is that you forgive yourself, understand that it was wrong, learn from it and move on.
@Vril-Gesellschaft trump is just mad that the fed isn't holding hands anymore
Christ is King
Well I guess I could admit porn was one. I’m porn sober for about 3 years now minus the random 4Chan POL images in threads.
I regret porn so much among other things
how anti semitic of you to not be subscribed to a jidf girl fax listing
then you're already repenting pretty interesting video, definitely a surprise
>be thule
>think trump is 🅱ased
>trump bombs the syrian government multiple times
>israel supports this
>trump is legit
you should check out his candidacy speech at AIPAC
he's definitely not a good goy!
lol yea cause Israel and the rothschilds totally have never criticized trump
not once
Imagine making $11,000 a day
and we are totally invading syria now, right guys? lol
i don't believe isreal has once, have they?
Might want to try looking
when has the rothschilds ever said anything about our politics though
@Pilot Spooky oh dear
gee, i swear """conservatives""" are just as delusional as liberals sometimes
tbf there's some rotchschild bitch on twitter part of the resistance.
im not memeing
You really might want to look into Israel and Trump administration more closely if you think they are working 100% in sync
Israel launched missiles and asked the pentagon to take credit. Request denied. Trump has talked about settlements not being good. Israelis criticize Trump a lot. A lot also support him.
no u
Nobody likes the boomers?
Everyone loves boomers. We love to make fun of them
i don't love them
neither do i
😦 😦
trump married his daughter off to a jew
he's 🅱ased
now you think that men "marry off" their daughter like feudal lords?
i too remember my first week on pol