Message from @nef
Discord ID: 556919705848250383
Alright, <@!518001698627649547> has been warned for '**Capital letters**'.
Alright, <@!518001698627649547> has been warned for '**Capital letters**'.
>>mute <@518001698627649547> Spamming
<:vError:390229421228949504> **TaiwanPingLord**#0001 is already muted!
Bot I love you
Alright, @BlizzardGTO has been warned for '**Duplicated text**'.
@el jefe No insults
nO iNsUlTs
>>mute @el jefe butthurt noob
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **^)**#0001
you just insulted him
that's hypocritical
No it isnt
butthurt noob is an insult.
Who is a chrisitan here
only you
Its the truth
I'm honestly curious about what people think about death
And they are christian
^)Today at 3:19 PM
it's calling out the truth, fuckhead. that's an insult btw
>>mute @Chumimi Spamming
<:vError:390229421228949504> **Yeehaw Howdy**#4091 is already muted!
bad usage of gifs ree
nothing like the sweet power of being a discord moderator
You should see me in real life laying down power
Hello Father Elon.
My dolphin isnt working @Elon Musk
why can't i write in <#484515645258596369>
jetaime#8443 (375772663794106368) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>