Message from @Nooty

Discord ID: 500638776624807956

2018-10-13 09:49:04 UTC  

Hello @Clincoin, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 10:28:25 UTC  

Hello @Carrot top, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 10:37:42 UTC  

Hello @Logger, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 11:30:12 UTC  

Hello @Nooty, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 11:45:26 UTC  

1. on the internet in a video when i tried to find an antifa discord server 2. african 3. Libertarian ig 4.(christian) i come from an orthodox family, but im not religious 5. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 6. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2018-10-13 11:47:11 UTC  

Do you know what kind of server you just joined? @Nooty

2018-10-13 11:47:18 UTC  


2018-10-13 11:53:26 UTC  

i know a little about you

2018-10-13 11:53:40 UTC  


2018-10-13 11:53:50 UTC  

but not that much tho

2018-10-13 11:53:58 UTC  

i would like to know more

2018-10-13 11:56:57 UTC  

can a black man be a part of the alt right?

2018-10-13 11:57:29 UTC  

This server isn't Alt-Right, a lot even think the Alt-Right is controlled opposition

2018-10-13 11:57:38 UTC  

I would say no, but you can support it

2018-10-13 11:58:05 UTC  


2018-10-13 11:58:33 UTC  

what is this then?

2018-10-13 11:59:05 UTC  

How did you get here?

2018-10-13 11:59:13 UTC  

What video?

2018-10-13 11:59:16 UTC  

good question

2018-10-13 11:59:36 UTC  

Answer or you're not getting in

2018-10-13 12:00:39 UTC  

Well you already admitted you're an enemy

2018-10-13 12:00:47 UTC  

Sorry but I can't vet you in

2018-10-13 12:00:58 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:01:13 UTC  

You were planning on joining an AntiFa server

2018-10-13 12:01:18 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:01:37 UTC  

doesnt mean im antifa

2018-10-13 12:02:38 UTC  

just wanted to know what it was about

2018-10-13 12:02:50 UTC  

and if they even had one

2018-10-13 12:03:17 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:03:20 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:03:51 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:03:59 UTC  

oh yeah sorry

2018-10-13 12:04:19 UTC  

idak how to make it white

2018-10-13 12:06:06 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:07:19 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:07:58 UTC  

It's okay

2018-10-13 12:08:37 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:11:16 UTC  

i wouldn't mind that

2018-10-13 12:11:43 UTC  

**EXCEPT** if they came to where i live

2018-10-13 12:13:02 UTC  

Hold up