Message from @Kota
Discord ID: 520434971823833118
Hello @Kota, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.
1. Discord Me
2. German
3. Reactionary
4. Orthodox Christian
5. A vile people
6. Ethno-homogenous, corporatist, ultranationalist, environmentalist, traditional
Hello @Herr_Hauptmann, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.
1. Discord me
2. 100% white, Irish and German like every other American
3. can confidently NATSOC
4. Southern Baptist
5. "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan" (Rev 2:9).
6. 1941 Germany but if Hitler wasn't blinded by his ambition, if he was more level headed and knew to listen to his generals. Christian values would definitely be there but so would Germanic Paganism values like valor instilled. It wouldn't be a one party system but the main parties would wall in the same quadrant of the graph.
What is National Socialism?
Putting your country and your peoples needs above the needs of lesser nations and peoples
Why do you think that is a good idea? I just want to know your opinion
Well basically, why should I send 47+ billion dollars (according to Forbes) to other countries and failing nations (South American countries, Israel, middle east) when I can spend it on helping my country's soldiers and vets, my nations disenfranchised, and also using that money to improve the over all standard of living in my country.
I concur with that. Welcome in.
No one interviewed me
@5th Panzer Division hop to it choggie boy
Lol no one vetted him yet? @Kota what makes Jewish (((people))) so vile?
Hold on I need to do something rq
Hey I'm ready can someone vet me
Also jews are vile because they take up higher positions to manipulate the first world into falling
Okay they do seem to have higher positions. Going on to #6, how can a country be both corporatist and environmentalist with conflicting viewpoints?
The state and the people should cooperate with the corporations to ensure they don't destroy the nations environment
So you're for environment protection laws even if it costs businesses extra?
Sorry for late response
Corporations dont benefit anyone but themselves when they destroy the environment in such excess that it hurts us
That is true. Adolf Hitler started environmental policies, and cared about the land. Welcome
Sappenin the box of
i make racist podcasts and I'm really fucking good at it
I'm kind of a big deal
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
albion radio
2. Ethnicity?
african american
3. Political ideology?
anarcho communism
4. Religious views/faith?
hebrew israelite
5. Thoughts on Jews?
I love jews we are gods chosen people shabbat shalom, filthy goyim
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.
a global capitalist utopia ruled by banks and corporations governed from the third installment of solomon's temple
Hello @Imperator, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.
1. Someone sent it to me on my server
2. Italian
3. Mediterraneanism
4. Catholicism
5. Purge them
6. A Fascist nation where Mediterraneans run the government