Message from @MrLeonVWF
Discord ID: 557479467354816514
Or whip into hell
I already know I’ll be back because I can’t fucking sleep ever, lol
Anyhow night
@MrLeonVWF I dont care really
So now ive seen it. I need to google it as it must be a typical phrase
It's like a meme
Do you know what a meme is?
And I’m out
Also I think your friend likes you
The hell is a kouhai?
It says when a kouhai wants your attention
Were bot here to talk about flat earth
What the hell is that?
Stop bringing it up
Were here to talk about tacos its just a younger person that wants attention?
Dont understand
Someone who will never notice you.
Wow! I hope senpai notices me this year!
Watch yandere simulator
Not in....a loving way right?
It can be
Ah ok phew
Or it can be like a teacher
Thought it was
I mean dude get with her
Wait what?
Like I ship it
Im way too old for her 😡
Im 32 ffs lol
Sugar daddy
Shes 22
10 years bloody older. No
HOly s hit
I mean she might be into that
She dont mean it like that surely,
We dont kink shame in the house