Message from @Seeker of Truth
Discord ID: 557529876752760833
How does day and night work on a flat earth?
like this
The sun isn't a marble tho
this is a simple representation which doesn't show how the sun and moon move independently from each other
otherwise its pretty accurate
@Tachi how old are you?
But the sun is huge, it would cover the Earth 5000 times lol
false. that is the lie of the heliocentric model
You can see it
the sun is much smaller and local unlike you were taught in school
With your own eyes
What would be the reason to lie about this
Who cares
to control you
Why would that be their priority to lie about the shape and not other things
omg the child is so sweet
mod the child
people should care that they are lied to, controlled, being used etc.
Wouldn't the icewall melt from the sun over a course of time?
no no don’t mod me
I mean they won’t but don’t
peachy you seem like a very nice person
Oh wait the ice just melts off into our oceans
I bet your parents would be proud aswell
No I mean why would the government care
And since its so big its gonna take billions of years before its melted
Why is the moon round? Why is every other planet round
I can hear that you seem like a very cheerful and accepting of others with differences which is lovely
I'm not sure.
Maybe Earth was impacted with another planet and we became flattened.
And formed Earth the know today
he will be a good adult one day