Message from @Lil nugget
Discord ID: 557658602282942465
it's what flat earthers do to try to act clever when saying the earth is not a globe
He used a Surveyor's "Rule of thumb" on his earth curve calculator that was proven to be wrong
or was it proved
what does that show btw
Light bends to the sky?
that does not prove anything lmao
im 14 and this is deep
I guess Lord Steven was right, lol
what you guys think
Light bends to the skyyyy!
that image just shows the place it was being pointed omg
could be a photo glitch
it might be going towards the camera, not parallel
why don't u do ur own research to prove people wrong?
how did the laser go that far
i ain't seen one flat earther to actually go to space with a camera and see that the earth is flat
yeah cuz i dont think nasa lets flat earthers be astronauts lol
theres like 400 videos of flat earth sending stuff to orbit without fish eye lense
just out of the sheer embarassment you'd get
Because the dome obviously
feel free to watch any
nasa ain't the only people go to space
Hello remember when memulous joined this server
@!GPT Wut?
memeulous is a god
white dex
you literally have every conspiracy role lmao
lol i know
Good morning!
don't wanna offend anyone it's 2019
Hardcore conspiracy theorist!