Message from @Human Sheeple
Discord ID: 560268929411317780
Compared to what 'nasa' says how big jupitar is, then earth is small
I have to IGNORE copy pasted clouds to believe in the globe do I?
but can you compare earth to a human?
D Nelson short for “Derek Nelson” Also know as the double Derek dooby theorem is the theory that all time zones react to the sun differently resulting in the night and day. The D Nelson theorem also theorizes that all moons are black and round.
the difference is pretty big if i do say so myself
you can see more of the earth the higher you go
Are eyes see same thing as camera so no
what does this prove
God isn’t real
Satellite pretty big but human eye see the same
Who believe in god
Am I wrong?
According to space-x you can see an entire ball earth at half the distance of the ISS. Which means either they are lying, or nasa is. Or both.
look at that
Elon musk is a liar
Come on, you can see sex in the clouds, this is as bad as Disney putting sex in children's cartoons.
He part of secret agenda to rule us
0_0 sex?
He did indeed not put car in space
The power of photoshop..
Cgi is more advanced then they make us think
You think Pluto the dog is on pluto?
Elon musk car cgi like everything else
Then they poison are kids school lunches to brainwash them
You think they care about us?
They do not
Because we live on a Cube.
I never bought school lunch
Because they poison all food
Thats why I grow mine
But even thats contaminated
@Yung D Stan Truth