Message from @Dxmon_I'mGoingToBuyHeadphones
Discord ID: 560390186572185600
the earth is an ellipsoid
they took pictures from above the oval earth so it looks round
Now you're just making fun of flat earthers
atheists are gay
see? 😂 how @Derek Nelson is avoiding our answers
I mean that model is all well and good, but you can't then place an example image of the real sun set which is however many times bigger than those models. That doesn't make sense @Derek Nelson
Nader5, you have provided literally zero proof.
You’re an idiot.
christians are gay
Although a cool example on reflection none the less
@Derek Nelson no, u
You can't disprove a god to someone
have god tell all the freaking isis victims why they all got their dammn heads chopped off
oh shite, u god
!mute @Overlord Yam Douchebaggery.
Overlord Yam#0209 (299059933314547713) is now muted for '**Douchebaggery.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
respect his opinion
my classmate is gay
respect his opinion or abuse
he wants to touch my boner
I respect religion but I'll still question it
my flat mate is human-shaped
this is abuse of your power
we all have opinions
We all do
whatcha gonna do? mute me for saying i dont believe in god
So when an apple is dropped and it falls, what's happening if it's not gravity? Just asking for people who only familiar with the gravity concept @Derek Nelson
Guys my gf got flat tits i think she is made to be a flat earther