Message from @elle
Discord ID: 560603969190232067
louis#3819 (452456517845647361) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
do you have to do a vc interview to be verified
When you are leading it knocks over all the pieces and shits all over the board to tell their friends of his success.
Take SpaceX lies,
!mute @myself
Yep basically him in a nutshell
If we give him a reasonable answer, he calls **us** out for being dumb and stupid
!mute @ur dad gae
lil mochi poopy, it doesn't look like you can use that. <:SMILESWEAT6:403540174069432320>
@elle do you wish to become verified?
maybe but i don't really want to do a vc interview is that the only way?
I didn’t do that to become Verified
elle is a dude
i'm not a dude!
I was just a bad mf and got it day one
then why no VC?
gwen is female what you scared for?
GIRL guy in real life cough
now it's like i have something to prove ;-;
i dunno
That’s the point
mighty suspect
Peer pressure
Don’t do it
Alright, @poneydrown has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.
oops srry
i larped as a girl too for free v bucks
i understand
Smfh, GPT
omg i am a girl):
@elle Would you prefer a vc call?