Message from @!GPT
Discord ID: 561262397596237825
wrong person
i did not design the rover
that would be fake nasa
the earth is flat
i also did not make this
You guys are so simply minded
Have you ever thought complex about this
i know basic concept sof engineering one being point of failure
you dont design anything with 6660000000 points of failure
for no reason
<@209783346325225474> You are trolling. You said the earth could be a donut.
@!GPT I think you misunderstood <@561195809060814863> statement - he was suggesting you were controlling the dituation
What IF the earth isn't flat
he said i made these arguements
i did not make balolon rovers
that be nasa
its not a globe - because we have direct measurements which show that there is no curvature
FECORE Laser Level Experiments
your upset cause its dumb
and they duped you easily
with rover balloons lol
Don't think we are going to let trolls and globeheads run the show here. <@561195809060814863>
Hello guys
<@209783346325225474> another personal attack and you will go to detention.
It's to follow pictures blindy
Why don't you go and head out
can i ask a question pls?
pls some explain how you blow upa rover balloon and make it a drivable solid
Discover it for yourself
i wanna hear this magic math
My mom is none of your business, <@209783346325225474>
You cant explain something if you don't wanna believe it
@Dxmon_I'mGoingToBuyHeadphones Have you read the FECORE documentation?
Why would I