Message from @Tejiu The Gecko
Discord ID: 564089917521657860
Planes do land in Antarctia
It is just only specialized planes that can land as the landing site is pure ice and snow
Depends on what airplane company goes
Save the bees
Wtf u on about
i have yet to see on flight tracker of any kind showing a plane going through antarctica .. if you find one @A Slightly Disappointing Salad you should make a video on it .. many people have been watching for a flight that does what you said and none have been found
I actually think some Flat Earther is trying to do that or something close to that
i cant no more so funny
more than likely anyone who is a flat earther that goes to Antarctica, with the event being popularized, will be a shill and the event will either end in failure as they planned / staged it or it will contain some other deception
and you won't hear about any real flat earthers that actually go
that information will be scrubbed
more than likely
or should I those who have already gone
heh, maybe they got the away from this place - going to a better land
and wouldn't return
cheers @Seeker of Truth seems no matter how much you give the globers they just refuse to get it.. they lack any ability to discern things
I heard it once from somewhere and it haven’t been brought up again
Didn’t read much of it really
we must keep speaking the truth, as there are those who do hear it, among the many who do not
Is this how flat earth believers see the movement's of the sun ? :
May be taking a trip to Antartica once I have a decent income XD
its guarded and controlled, trips are highly regulated to make sure you don't go where they don't want you to do
you would have to be super rich, with tons of supplies and your own ship and even then someone would probably stop you
or you might die from the elements
@Seeker of Truth How does day&night work then ?
Just as you see it work
uploading animated GIF
I love snow and have been to Arctic before
So would love to visit Antartica just for the snow and nature
similar to this, but the sun and moon aren't locked together as shown here and there is a spiraling in towards the center and then back out from the center which is not shown here
Ok so then the sun is like a plane going over our heads
at varying altitudes within the firmament / heavens
How would you see the moon during daylight if it is only on the night/dark side of the earth?
@Bodhisattva I saw you in Seeking Truth.
There is a flaw in this explanation because when a object moves away from you, it will appear smaller and the sun does not
On top of that the sun appears to move under /down the horizon when it set's
My fb friend Alexis Mercado shared this post, and I would also like to share it. And good morning everyone.