Message from @Human Sheeple
Discord ID: 564104449342308370
second of all your climate model has no scientific proof
third the CRU emails revealed the data was manipulated in favor of climate alarmism
Right exactly
Hello Hamburger Guy!
I know you lol
He was like a broken record just kept calling me stupid, didn't actually have any good counters
Thanks for having me back
He can spend his money on that if he wants, but I’ll pass. There’s already enough taxes.
@Derek Nelson The horizon appears flat because the Earth is absolutely gigantic compared to us.
Why the fuck have I got to pay for someone elses pollution even though CO2 is actually helping plants to grow better?
@Bodhisattva So do you agree the Earth is APPARENTLY flat?
ofc its flat
where I live it is
thank Zeus
@Bodhisattva ⭐ Congratulations on your promotion to FLAT EARTHER
Can I get a few of the role you have @Human Sheeple
I want to be flat earther
Alright Atlantis, do you reckon the Richat Structure matches Plato's description of the lost city?
What do you know about plasmic bombardment to create GMO frankenfoods?
Ever read the book of enoch?
Seen all of the NASA fakery glitcheS?
idk about that
How about the UFO's the bright lights that shoot down missiles and disable ICMB silos?
I don't eat
What can you tell me about the people who get abducted, experience memory loss and get their asses anally probed?
Do you know much about MK ULTRA and the plot to use LSD and propaganda to conduct mind control experiments?
What do you know about Pizzagate and elite pedophile rings?
You know WTC7 was blown up by mossad on 9/11 right?
right if the sun is in space, lights up earth, why is it dark in space?? nasa is a bunch of liars!!
Heard of Artificial Suns? Yeah that's what NASA used to fake the moon landings to get the shadows so straight
You know about the prussian method school system? They brainwashed an entire generation to sit in a trench and get gassed using the school system at the start of the 20th century in what was called at the time the Great War.
we are elite
we know the truth here
How about the jet fuel hoax? The Specific Impulses of the jet engines are much higher than are claimed, they don't fill them with as much fuel as they claim, but they mess around with the books, claim they've bought more than they did and charge you the passenger for the CO2 taxes produced, it's a total fraud.