Message from @PilotSteve
Discord ID: 565658185361260545
you're cruisin' for'a _BRUISN'_
yeeeee git hem MIKE! <:butthurt:507983822244151306>
I have a YouTube channel to show you
mike doont klick link, its virus from hambooger guy
Pick any video on flat earth and we'll talk
im not klick virus link bruah
ugh new/bnoob
Professor Stick? LMAO 😆
heard of it?
i've smacked his dumass around , so many times, on his videos comment sections
heard? of? smh
Duide, i been at this for frgn 5+ Yearsssssssssss
ive told u
professor stick soonds veryy hardddd <:butthurt:507983822244151306>
he's an ignroant ideeot
Engish ?? @✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧
Dis yuo understand?
So you will not pick a video?
𝔽𝕃𝔸𝕋 o==[]::::::::::::::::>🌍 💨
Or at least show me a comment?
no dat link virus bruhe
does it look like i have time to pick one of his stinking Stick vifds?..
viruses r fun
i ain't KLICK virus link broeh
you're YEARS LATE to the party, Hamburglar...
Idk you have time to be a flat earther
The earth is round
why not its fun to have a broken phone
Yes we know @TsG Takeoutceday