Message from @Doppio
Discord ID: 568055440487874560
I'm having trouble with where you're coming from, but alright, whatever floats your boat
Most people's minds have been programmed with lies that they were taught in public schools and that they were reinforced by popular entertainments.
I have a question
We all do.
Is earth the only planet that's flat, or are the other planets in our solar system flat?
Questioning everything is important.
Alright man
First you must unlearn what you have learned...
Do you always speak like that?
You cannot simply swap out the globe earth with a flat one and leave it in the false Heliocentric system.
guys where can i post some spam?
Does this mean Mars is flat too?
Mars is a luminary - just a moving star within the firmament / heavens
I'm so confused
I'm sorry but I have trouble understanding with what you're saying
the vast universe that you were told exists, is a lie to make you seem insignificant
I don't think that's how it works dude
actually the sun is smaller and local
and its light has limited range
Where is this coming from
Where are you getting this information
Who told you this
takes time to do the research
Oh my god
you won't learn it by looking at only the first results that Google gives you
My head hurts
that's to be expected
Well it was nice talking to you, and like I said before, we all have our beliefs, cya
its not about beliefs, its about having an open mind, questioning everything - - searching for the truth're hurting my soul
break free from your slavery of ignorance
Hello flat people