Message from @cocobanana
Discord ID: 571440562394365952
I saw something pop up very fast
Hi guys
like black n white pic of something that resembled a phallic image but not sure
could've been a temple
What is this server about?
Having fun
no, he couldn't post them here remember
he tried, but failed... (
Only 2 minutes till itโs the weekend for me
This is agonizing
Wow you guys are so cool
we've still got an hour and 2 minutes to go
I got 7 hours to go
lol yeah and you thought you had it bad
I was just joking about how the last few minutes of work seem so long but dang
all i can say about work is f@#k work
I thought this server was a flat earth server so I could troll lol
What do you mean which team?
The CE team?
the GE team?
the PE team?
or all the teams?
๐ ๐ ๐
End game was trash in my opinion
I havenโt seen a superhero movie since the first avengers
I wouldnt recomend it
Well I rewatched the Toby McGuire spider man films recently
But idk your choise
Concave Earthers
Pyramid Earthers
GE would be GLobe earthers of course
Iโm a flat earthier
He said he was here to troll but wasn't sure which group he was aiming to troll at
Cool man that's nice