Message from @SnowyBall
Discord ID: 571441234598428692
This is agonizing
Wow you guys are so cool
we've still got an hour and 2 minutes to go
I got 7 hours to go
lol yeah and you thought you had it bad
I was just joking about how the last few minutes of work seem so long but dang
all i can say about work is f@#k work
I thought this server was a flat earth server so I could troll lol
What do you mean which team?
The CE team?
the GE team?
the PE team?
or all the teams?
🌍 🌎 🌏
End game was trash in my opinion
I haven’t seen a superhero movie since the first avengers
Well I rewatched the Toby McGuire spider man films recently
But idk your choise
Concave Earthers
Pyramid Earthers
GE would be GLobe earthers of course
I’m a flat earthier
He said he was here to troll but wasn't sure which group he was aiming to troll at
Cool man that's nice
Guys let’s all accept that the earth is flat
How bout you?
Are you a globe earther or flat
Im really not sure .. im just here to chat and see where debates lead so i can better make that kind of decision
I’m up for persuasion but Im swaying on the side of flat
But, those who know me well enough know that im a flat earther lol
although the idea of a pyramid shaped dome occurred to me today
I’m just here for some fun
and? has it been fun so far
Yea just the chills