Message from @Kira
Discord ID: 577947054454865940
is this not a hentai server lol @Hopefully Not Koichi
i fucking love hentai
We all do
honestly real woman anger me ive been through some really toxic realationships
No thirst bois
Imagine not having a penis
@shouxenex same
chichiro toiki is the only hentai ive watched for like 3 years
My current gf friend zoned me
my current gf is non existent
Feel bad man
all the woman just constantly gotta bitch, i went bi sexual and dated a guy once and it was 10 billion times better because atleast he wasnt bitching about stuff which doesnt need to be bitched about
that man was a honest man sadly i left because i just couldnt deal with 1 more penis in the household
Your future wife is being fucked by someone else rn
*big dong slap*
I’m a whore
! Rank
Pp too hard
not in a bad way but more like i cant 'have sex with another guy'' 1 more penis way
a bisexual, fucking, whore
Gimme Dem nudes
Straight males = taco eater
Stop begging for nudes reeee
Would You.. buy a 1440p monitor 60 hz s-ips for 80 dollars
I am more of a burrito person
Oh i see
60 hertz 🤢