Message from @✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧

Discord ID: 574048648178958359

2019-05-04 01:38:43 UTC  

globe is satanic lucifarian pagan babylonian ETC

2019-05-04 01:39:17 UTC  

20 of the TOP "scientists" in this world, do not even come to my Ankles

2019-05-04 01:39:22 UTC  

-- PLEASE bring me some

2019-05-04 01:39:22 UTC  

Invalid arguments provided: User "PLEASE" not found

2019-05-04 01:39:27 UTC  

ive been asking for years

2019-05-04 01:39:33 UTC  

no one takes me up on the offer

2019-05-04 01:39:58 UTC  

they're scared
--i'll make the top "scientists" minds? in this WORLD look like Kindergarteners

2019-05-04 01:41:00 UTC  

**unless they Spiritual" based, people , that are "scientists" ..then i dont have a problem with them

2019-05-04 01:41:28 UTC  

<a:joy:507983939969744910> this mod sounds just like Bodhisattva, see ya guys I'm out

2019-05-04 01:41:55 UTC  

@Akail Go watch Star Trek then kiddo (infant soul) <:lul:484994724118134784>

2019-05-04 01:42:19 UTC  


2019-05-04 01:42:27 UTC  

Do you even know how gravity works

2019-05-04 01:42:32 UTC  

or do you not believe in gravity

2019-05-04 01:42:46 UTC  

and earths magnetic field

2019-05-04 01:42:47 UTC  

ask me if i care

2019-05-04 01:43:04 UTC  

when regards to determining the shape of the earth

2019-05-04 01:43:23 UTC  

--Does it? determine? no?
oh :)lol

2019-05-04 01:43:25 UTC  


2019-05-04 01:43:34 UTC  

--da'erff is Flat

2019-05-04 01:43:43 UTC  

That's physically impossible

2019-05-04 01:44:23 UTC  

remove your Sci-fi "ouer space" ideology and be-Lie-fs , ..then its not physically impossible

2019-05-04 01:44:43 UTC  

Okay if the earth was flat how would gravity work then

2019-05-04 01:44:48 UTC  

and the magnetic field

2019-05-04 01:44:58 UTC  

--in fact, its the other way around .. humans cannot live on a ball
-- unless they're all on the top <:lul:484994724118134784>
which they arent

2019-05-04 01:45:15 UTC  

Can you answer my question

2019-05-04 01:45:24 UTC  

I'm actually curious on your opinion

2019-05-04 01:46:05 UTC  

opinion? <:BigSmiles:556070613224259594> ?

2019-05-04 01:46:14 UTC  

i have facts

2019-05-04 01:46:32 UTC  

but yeah

Gravity? -- The Encyclopedia Britannica tells us that .. _“The Law of Gravitation is unique among the laws of nature, not only for its wide generality, taking the whole universe into its scope, but in the fact that, so far as is yet known, it is absolutely unmodified by any condition or cause whatever.”_ ...... Here again we observe that the nature of gravitation is not really defined at all ; we are told that masses of matter tend toward each other, but no reason is given why they do so, or should do so ; while to say that _“it is absolutely unmodified by any condition or cause whatever ”_ is one of the most unscientific statements possible to make. There is not any thing or force in the (so-called) 'universe' that is absolute, no thing that goes its own way and 'does-what-it-will' without regard to other forces or things. Again, gravitation is spoken of as a pull, an agent of attraction, or rather a (dielectric acceleration), that robs weight of its meaning, something that brings all terrestrial things down to earth while at the same time it keeps the heavenly bodies in their places ("locked" so-to-speak), and prevents them falling toward each other or apart. It is not natural; and the theory is scientifically unsound. \

2019-05-04 01:47:06 UTC  

▬ INSTEAD .. it rather has to do with►►► temperature, pressure, mass, DENSITY, (and buoyancy).
and electromagnetism

2019-05-04 01:47:27 UTC  


2019-05-04 01:49:10 UTC  

Also I don't believe in spiritual things soo

2019-05-04 01:49:20 UTC  

Temperature, pressure, mass, and density are scalar quantities, so the above applies here as well

2019-05-04 01:49:57 UTC  

no they are not

2019-05-04 01:50:23 UTC  

Gravity is determined by mass density and pressure and temperature

2019-05-04 01:50:36 UTC  

@Ani -- huh? you dont believe in Spiritual or metaphysical? 🤔

2019-05-04 01:50:39 UTC  

hmm. sigh

2019-05-04 01:50:44 UTC  

Like heavenly things

2019-05-04 01:50:45 UTC  

Yes they are

2019-05-04 01:51:06 UTC  

So your alternative is invalid based on the above

2019-05-04 01:51:19 UTC  
