Message from @StracklyShot
Discord ID: 578259818830364683
Anyone know chinkis?
Aaaaaye what's poppin homie
Just say "hey, everyone (who's here) what's yoyr opinion on furries?" @Deleted User
@DreamSenpai nothing much bby idk why I feel sick rn <:rubycry:508979253396897794>
nothing, just doing my daily dose of hentai
people with a mr bean pfp are literally fucking retarded
@Sage furries gay
Aye, lmao.
I am banning him if he tries to ping everyone again
He didn't ping everyone tho
@Alex I guess yes I am
furries are okay so long as they dont push their interests on us
@Sage <:itsjoke:262791658985357315> <a:sonicdefault:535877054692982814>
@Deleted User aww bby you want me to give you some love in the air to make you feel better <:nekogasm:262791717932105729>
how big of a cock does Bill Cosby have
What in the fuck did i walk into
Trap big gey
@DreamSenpai okay bb 😳<:nekogasm:262791717932105729>
Youre walking in thin ice
@Pyromaniac a haven
Indian curry 💦
I fucking hate furries
Futa nu gey
Eating strawberries rn :>