Message from @mood
Discord ID: 578355142433308680
Uhhh there is no time
I might be a femboy atm but im a violent boi
6:56 gang?
hey Satan
@Deleted User no 0:00 gang
Hey kanada <:nekogasm:262791717932105729>
There's a a lot of femboys in this server
@Deleted User 6:56 gang B))
g o o d
how you been
That's a recent discovery
Its 0:00 for everyone
Whoโs got there clock saying 3:56?
femboy gang
femboy must unite to form an anal train
I've been good hbu <a:sonicdefault:535877054692982814>
Man fuck gravity
send trap pics
@Deleted User bro like fr?
henlo kids
Now thatโs just racist
@Deleted User bro like FR FR fr?
<#226372492506300416> Rule #20
@Deleted User <:nekogasm:262791717932105729> <:nekogasm:262791717932105729> hru vro
@Deleted User I'm good good vro hbu? <:nekogasm:262791717932105729>
I got kicked from the server earlier because I posted a cock spoilers even though sometimes they did something similar to it but I didn't mind it. And when I joined back and got back my role, puungi said he doesn't know me and one of the role people said most people tried to forget you're existed @Deleted User
Can i talk about what i found on hentai haven in this general?
Rules apply in that channel for you
Wtf is with you @Deleted User???
even though it was my fault to posted it they still gotta be rude
You dont have enough status to get away with that even if you spoiler it