Message from @//Sankuey//
Discord ID: 578647243515756565
2019's got 300 genders
like fr
anyone who isnt a bit bi is lying
And my picture shows how much i love boobs it simbolic
there are boobs in your pfp?
i am real gamer gorl
Girls arent real
Yes if you look
gety your ass back here
nice emote
I stole it from Tetsu <:lamo:549082101979414528>
When you have nitro
which he stole from Puuungi
The alpha particle is the most chad particle
Puuungi's raping somebody again, i see?
Ducc <:rubycry:508979253396897794>
how is citsune not banned yet
Its like you cna have one pokemon feom gen but with nitro you unlock all gens
why do people keep thinking @//Sankuey// is ducc
lewd loli's!!!
@ClioRyder so your a man of culture
so for u guys
Im not ducc
@//Sankuey// Cause i haven't said anything out of line yet, maybe?
we're all ducc
@Deleted User <-- thats ducc
Hes duccs evil twon
Im going to install stories untold feom epic boys and girl (respect
@Momi u pinged hs and several mods cmon