Message from @Melmas
Discord ID: 578970659846094868
They are not bannable
Are you saying that didn't happen? spoiler
its been 2 weeks if you want to see it you would have seen it by now
Time to dip, scared of endgame spoilers monkaS
Everyone knows Captain Marvel has a raging lesbian haircut
I didn't know
You are an asshole if you do it, bit it's not bannable anymore
@Mr. Colourblind chill
How the hell
I prefer CM's long hair tbh
y'all so easy to get pissed
amirite melmas
You are not right lad
please say yes
what you mean you what some to get banned
Am I right or am I right lads?
its HER body and HER hair
I prefer Melmas over any mod
flat as a pnacake
she has every right to look like a dyke and you should apologize now
I prefer scooby over any shaggy
literally shaking rn
wasn't CM a male in the comics tho <:lamo:549082101979414528>
<:PogChamp:266832346953547776> <:PogChamp:266832346953547776><:PogChamp:266832346953547776>
nah wait idk hang on
did grumpy cat die on minecrafts bday
<:angery:297573697949007873> when liquid shit is running down your leg
bruh my PS4 sounds like a fucking jet right now cuz of RE2
cum gang
Its a guy in DC universe
liquid snake