Message from @Commanderholy
Discord ID: 445832002051244032
Now playing **Muharram | Shahadat - E - Karbala | HD Songs Jukebox** by **Saregama Music** `[44:15]`
Are you a Shia Muslim?
But muharam is coming up and i like seeing the shias lash themselves
They'll be starving themselves in a couple days
Ramadan soon
Yeah but Ramadan is only from sunrise to sunsent
I've done it before and it's not so bad
It sucks
I lost 30lbs one Ramadan
Oh are you muslim?
All muskle
I was
Oh did you revert or are you muslim from birth?
I was raised Muslim
My parents are Iranian
Ahhh shias are cool
I like them better than sunnis
My parents only found a Sunni private school though, so I went there mondays to fridays up to the 8th grade
I went to a Shia madrassa on the weekends
Now playing **حسينيات يسجلني** by **ناهض جاسم ناهض جاسم** `[07:01]`
What's your background?
I actually reverted when I was a kid but I left a year ago
I'm 100% white
By revert you mean convert?
I know lots of Muzzies say revert because they believe everyone is born a Muslim or whatever
Yeah haha
So are you Secular now, or did you convert to a different religion?
I was thinking about going back to Christianity but I'm not 100% sure
Mostly because of how the catholic church is
The pedo stuff is the only thing that bothers me
I converted to Catholicism anyways though
But I'm not a Papist