Message from @Riesenwal

Discord ID: 581705256035942410

2019-05-25 04:47:50 UTC  

@Trolliburton no nudes.

2019-05-25 04:47:52 UTC  

what happened with the 48

2019-05-25 04:48:05 UTC  

nend sudes

2019-05-25 04:48:07 UTC  

@Deleted User woah okay toxic 😠

2019-05-25 04:48:12 UTC  

They're doing something to it I don't remember what tho

2019-05-25 04:48:13 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:48:16 UTC  

@Deleted User toxic like ur tongue 😡

2019-05-25 04:48:17 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:48:19 UTC  

ddude this is literally muni

2019-05-25 04:48:26 UTC  

Send thighs

2019-05-25 04:48:28 UTC  

@Kudaklux Congratulations!

2019-05-25 04:48:35 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:48:37 UTC  

send thigh pics

2019-05-25 04:48:38 UTC  

Wait whos muni?

2019-05-25 04:48:38 UTC  

@Deleted User cute 😝

2019-05-25 04:48:46 UTC  

I'm papa

2019-05-25 04:48:47 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:48:49 UTC  

No strings attached thats a rack

2019-05-25 04:48:55 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:48:58 UTC  

@Deleted User<:nepeye:453834573650853888>

2019-05-25 04:49:00 UTC  

join purple club when

2019-05-25 04:49:03 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:49:10 UTC  

Oh fuck no no no

2019-05-25 04:49:19 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:49:21 UTC  
2019-05-25 04:49:22 UTC  

purple club is filled with homosexuals

2019-05-25 04:49:28 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:49:31 UTC  

but youre in purple club

2019-05-25 04:49:37 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:49:37 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:49:39 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:49:39 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:49:46 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:49:49 UTC  

Hah Ries just called himself gay

2019-05-25 04:49:56 UTC  

send thighs pls

2019-05-25 04:50:01 UTC  

i never did retard

2019-05-25 04:50:03 UTC  

I wanna call someone just to screenshare

2019-05-25 04:50:10 UTC  


2019-05-25 04:50:13 UTC  

Ries gay <a:ppultrafastparrot:522337321203531777>

2019-05-25 04:50:20 UTC  

shut the fuck up and die

2019-05-25 04:50:26 UTC  

No u