Message from @JohnMcReady

Discord ID: 581792044129714178

2019-05-25 10:31:02 UTC  

Idk it's just a random picture I had on my phone

2019-05-25 10:31:07 UTC  


2019-05-25 10:31:12 UTC  

Try Pathfinding

2019-05-25 10:31:18 UTC  

Looks kinda hot

2019-05-25 10:31:24 UTC  

Yes 😎

2019-05-25 10:31:37 UTC  


2019-05-25 10:31:47 UTC  
2019-05-25 10:31:57 UTC  

Beat me too it

2019-05-25 10:32:06 UTC  

StOp YoU dOnT hAvE a N wOrD pAsS

2019-05-25 10:32:44 UTC  

He didn't even say the n word, he just said "nib" but I am going to warn him because he is being a shitter in multiple chats

2019-05-25 10:32:51 UTC  

Wait nvm I didn't see that

2019-05-25 10:32:55 UTC  


2019-05-25 10:32:56 UTC  


2019-05-25 10:33:03 UTC  

want peaches

2019-05-25 10:33:06 UTC  

UNDERCOVERFBI#5362 was hit with the Ban Hammer!

2019-05-25 10:33:19 UTC  

i just dried some peaches

2019-05-25 10:33:29 UTC  

@Deleted User don't be a retard like Mom

2019-05-25 10:33:33 UTC  


2019-05-25 10:33:48 UTC  

Okay John :')

2019-05-25 10:33:48 UTC  

Wym John ?

2019-05-25 10:33:52 UTC  

WhOa He SaId ThE n WoRd

2019-05-25 10:34:02 UTC  

It helps the server to get rid of idiots like that

2019-05-25 10:34:17 UTC  


2019-05-25 10:34:22 UTC  


2019-05-25 10:34:28 UTC  

Best emote

2019-05-25 10:34:55 UTC  


2019-05-25 10:35:01 UTC  

Best emote

2019-05-25 10:35:34 UTC  

i have african american friends who are fine if i say the usually offensive n word

2019-05-25 10:35:46 UTC  

No one cares tbh...

2019-05-25 10:35:50 UTC  

but i always apologize at the end if i say it accidentally or intentionally

2019-05-25 10:35:56 UTC  

Not trying to be mean but like

2019-05-25 10:36:05 UTC  

you aren’t being mean at all

2019-05-25 10:36:18 UTC  

i do know that no one needs to care about such statement

2019-05-25 10:36:26 UTC  

@StarvinMarvin check logs - invite link

2019-05-25 10:36:29 UTC  

mean is calling someone a cunt unintentionally with no reasoning

2019-05-25 10:36:34 UTC  

shut up cunt

2019-05-25 10:36:36 UTC  

erwang33#2537 was hit with the Ban Hammer!

2019-05-25 10:36:43 UTC  

you cunt

2019-05-25 10:36:43 UTC  

He tried spamming it in the bot channels too lmao

2019-05-25 10:36:47 UTC  


2019-05-25 10:36:48 UTC  

Ima join and call him a cunt