Message from @shut the fuck up boomer
Discord ID: 582370146686074891
Banana what are you bringing to the pot luck 🗿
aw shucks ducc
see you're smart
notice how rapists arent rapists until they are caught
@Bluree idk
lesson: dont get caught retard
unless theres a FEMENIST in the picture
feminism is cancer
Ducc has the curry and Vivi has rice balls <:feelsGoodEnough:293582652030582805>
ducc idk what you did that was so bad
My friends deserted me <:nekogasm:262791717932105729>
feminism is gay
swallow a gallon of cum
cool dk pfp
*how do you PRoVe cOnCent Ittss Alll iN tHe MiNd
women are made to make sandwichs
consent isnt real its just words
*why no 1 play with me*
words are just sounds which are worthless
*in the mind* pfp is the better one
Banana who have you played In smash like people from here
consent is onlu for access to your bank details
i have tiggered manny people
@Rare big tits?
hi pls say it back
@anton your pfp turns me on, you win
And the best in the server by far
consent isnt necessary
@Bluree couple people
@shut the fuck up boomer ass man for days
@Deleted User yo we can do it right here right now