Message from @Happygrandad
Discord ID: 575387729899290624
t!cookie @floridaswamptrash
What's the dark side I learned so much
Truth > Morality
I learnt what It takes to be a flat earther. It's hard work
There always room enough for civil discourse as long as people aren’t easily offended for their beliefs, butterfly.
lol being a flat earther must be hard work
If it's about gay, I love the gays
Idk what you are on about
we love u for who u are soldz
ofc its hard work
Being a flat earther is easy. Proof argues for itself.
I mean there seem to be alot of flat Earthers right why don't you guys launch a camera into space or something like that to show if Earth is flat or round.
cos we have to deal with uneducated people
@Derek Nelson I agree
level is curved
that is what a flat earther has to argue with
@Elite and government hackers trying to censor and monitor what we search
<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @evan is a retard has been warned
reason: Bad word usage
level is curved to a globe believer
If you are easily offended, you have to look inside yourself first
Huh @Happygrandad
<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @evan is a retard has been warned
reason: Bad word usage
Who said they were uneducated
<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @evan is a retard has been warned
reason: Bad word usage
i thought Elite said
<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @Ross has been warned
reason: Bad word usage
i said what?
Globe earthers aren't uneducated they are just led down the wrong path by society
The government may be bad but I feel like it would be pointless to lie about the shape of the earth
u have to deal with uneducated people
yes correct
The only thing they are uneducated of is the truth
lol doesn't matter