Message from @J-Arcane

Discord ID: 585180047254487054

2019-06-03 18:55:19 UTC  

@Russian Daddy inverted pp

2019-06-03 18:55:23 UTC  

i went to his dms' with an anime pfp and told him that i wanted to do erp with him

2019-06-03 18:55:24 UTC  

Queer is a beautiful word. My real secret name is Queerquoses

2019-06-03 18:55:25 UTC  

go pee on your self

2019-06-03 18:55:28 UTC  

Can I give you pp sex? @Shield

2019-06-03 18:55:37 UTC  

he was asking in general*

2019-06-03 18:55:39 UTC  

@Deleted User that is pretty "queer" I suppose

2019-06-03 18:55:40 UTC  

no im straight

2019-06-03 18:55:53 UTC  

It's fine just think it's straight

2019-06-03 18:55:54 UTC  

@bananaslamma.jpg fwrefprep§§v§v§§w§§§§¨ůe,w,efmewfmk

2019-06-03 18:55:59 UTC  

John my dad

2019-06-03 18:56:05 UTC  

Ex mod

2019-06-03 18:56:08 UTC  

Also no straight person has a maid outfit

2019-06-03 18:56:08 UTC  

@JohnMcReady translate please

2019-06-03 18:56:16 UTC  


2019-06-03 18:56:21 UTC  

and when we get to the clothes off part i tell him im a guy and if thats ok with him and he just fucking rages and blocks me

2019-06-03 18:56:23 UTC  

Actually where is your former staff role? @JohnMcReady

2019-06-03 18:56:24 UTC  

That pfp is creepy fam @Quisquoses

2019-06-03 18:56:29 UTC  


2019-06-03 18:56:32 UTC  

@nekoxdoggo it is supposed to be

2019-06-03 18:56:35 UTC  

Change pls

2019-06-03 18:56:38 UTC  

Wassup ppl

2019-06-03 18:56:39 UTC  

@Quisquoses Never got the ''Former mod''

2019-06-03 18:56:44 UTC  

It haunts my dreams

2019-06-03 18:56:51 UTC  

Why not? @JohnMcReady you were one

2019-06-03 18:56:59 UTC  

I do not know

2019-06-03 18:57:09 UTC  

I'd ask for the special role tbh

2019-06-03 18:57:19 UTC  

You have earned the right to that role

2019-06-03 18:57:19 UTC  

<@423537912252989440> Hey buddy

2019-06-03 18:57:22 UTC  

It's the current server staff's decision

2019-06-03 18:57:24 UTC  

Mind telling me why you dunce evaded?

2019-06-03 18:57:33 UTC  

Oof get caught

2019-06-03 18:57:37 UTC  

@StarvinMarvin dunce evaders are insta banned

2019-06-03 18:57:43 UTC  

if you catch them

2019-06-03 18:57:49 UTC  

I know, but I like to hear their bullshit before I ban

2019-06-03 18:58:01 UTC  

Slap the dunce evaders with a dildo and call it a day

2019-06-03 18:58:12 UTC  

They will die of shame

2019-06-03 18:58:28 UTC  

Dazity#4455 was hit with the Ban Hammer!

2019-06-03 18:58:36 UTC  


2019-06-03 18:58:38 UTC  

Ah damn shame he didn't say anything

2019-06-03 18:58:42 UTC  
