Message from @Riesenwal

Discord ID: 586162357907095553

2019-06-06 11:56:12 UTC  

God bless your poor soul I can't do that kitchen life, I've tried and it's fucking rough sometimes <:uhh:279405597470883840>

2019-06-06 11:56:19 UTC  

@*S*T*A*R*S* literally does not exist

2019-06-06 11:56:26 UTC  


2019-06-06 11:56:28 UTC  

Yall like my name

2019-06-06 11:56:32 UTC  

U dont work in a kitchen

2019-06-06 11:56:35 UTC  


2019-06-06 11:56:42 UTC  

Kitchen work you

2019-06-06 11:56:46 UTC  

are you really trying to argue with me about something that doesn't even fucking exist and youre making up?

2019-06-06 11:57:12 UTC  

Who me?

2019-06-06 11:57:20 UTC  

Wait Puuungi did you mean that you don't work in a kitchen?

2019-06-06 11:57:25 UTC  

railguns use either full tungsten alloy rounds or DU-TC rounds

2019-06-06 11:57:59 UTC  

not to mention that most of the time they need to have a conductive flow through the railarms on order for it to actually work

2019-06-06 11:58:42 UTC  

"Laser Power Proton Plasma", if the name is right, wouldn't even be able to transfer an electrical charge due to its immense temperature

2019-06-06 11:59:20 UTC  


2019-06-06 11:59:32 UTC  

Alright well I'm off work so fuck you guys I'm out of here <a:sanicfast:397857650676858900> <a:sanicfast:397857650676858900>

2019-06-06 11:59:43 UTC  

I still haven't gotten called

2019-06-06 11:59:45 UTC  

Fuck you troll

2019-06-06 11:59:53 UTC  

Fuck you whitey

2019-06-06 11:59:56 UTC  

oh also, not to mention

2019-06-06 11:59:57 UTC  

don't argue with riesen about guns

2019-06-06 12:00:00 UTC  


2019-06-06 12:00:07 UTC  


2019-06-06 12:00:17 UTC  

@Mr. Colourblind literally arguing with me about the topics that I know alot about

2019-06-06 12:00:24 UTC  


2019-06-06 12:00:32 UTC  

guns, and chemical and materiel science

2019-06-06 12:00:36 UTC  

Literally Reisen owns like 20 guns

2019-06-06 12:00:41 UTC  


2019-06-06 12:00:45 UTC  


2019-06-06 12:00:49 UTC  


2019-06-06 12:00:51 UTC  

I'm gonna continue this argument

2019-06-06 12:00:58 UTC  

Oh god oh fuck

2019-06-06 12:01:07 UTC  

he has more guns than fingers dude

2019-06-06 12:01:13 UTC  

My only regret is not being able to stay and witness this argument

2019-06-06 12:01:15 UTC  

Legit riesen could pick up a random gun and tell you everything about it

2019-06-06 12:01:33 UTC  

but remember guys

2019-06-06 12:01:35 UTC  

not only does Plasma only exist at around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, it'd so implode as the pressure inside the plasma "goo" would be immense and the pressure of the air would not be able to keep up

2019-06-06 12:01:47 UTC  


2019-06-06 12:02:01 UTC  

was that dude talking about lazer weapons

2019-06-06 12:02:06 UTC  
