Message from @Bagel
Discord ID: 586402181226430464
Diaper scat cub
im the better emote now
mom you disgust me
no i don't\
riesen shut up you scat lover
gold shower bitch ass
riesen loves his scat like he loves banana
hey guys tf2 pyro here back for another
fr fr
i fear no man
@Bagel wanna h * ld h * nds <:blorsh:555812454949715968>
but that guy
not trying to be a slut but like
he scares me
*why* is underage intercourse illegal?
mom can we hold hands? <:blushycat:563879603987283978>
damn bro we can use gloves @Bagel
Did you know men are better at swimming because they are part sperm while women are better at cooking because they are part egg
ok bro
also how many years can you get in prison for having sex with a person who you thought was old enough, but was 17?
depends of your age
Couple years
me too
Me 3
well then
@Zombie bend over
Issa train