Message from @Aeou
Discord ID: 601777330230263821
Enslaved moisture
think of the exotic combinations of flavor mine has
Buy my gamer water just tap water but an epic gamer enslaved it
slave nwords bath water
you know, real epic gamers dont drink gfuel..
That's an untapped market
nor bath waters..
I wrote this song for the christian youth
no, we are better than that.
we drink.. FULL CREAM MILK
I drink out of my fleshlight
I drink
I drink straight lube
Buy my shower water?
i drink gay lube but ok u do u
WHOT youve never played tuber simulator?
Gonna glug that shi
You know its fun right?
@Deleted User no we dont do that here
@Mom why did you change your name back <:pepesuspicious:592472175374499857>
Bro just beat off and cum in your mouth
Im not supposed to give my opinion
Hella protein
have you ever nutted into your own mouth
And thats why i think women are there to be cummed in
Yeah like 2 times i was curious @Fade
I’ve played with my cum before
gotta have that fuckin flavoured nut
Never tasted it tho
Its my own dick its not gay