Message from @Homu H.
Discord ID: 265053737943433222
and then maybe the 2 finger pushup
Bless zyzz
Zyzz 🙏
Dude If I can do the 2 finger pushup like him I would achieve maximum bodyweight
You'll get a stand made of chest hair
Eww body hair
Don't be a twink like chaos
Deleted cause wrong meme.
yeah be a trap like I, homu
Nrg will be Zyzz.
Don't be a subpar trap like homu
Become a tan trap
Or maybe he'll go down the road and become Frank Yang instead.
Idk how he'll turn Asian, but anything is possibru.
I'm not a fucking sub I hope you guys realize that
I'll only be a sub to a very very very very very very certain person
you look like one
Who is that person
A sub sandwich
Subterraneans freak me out, yo.
like you ate a million of them
Mole people. Hiss.
yeah that's it
Homu is rude
Well I mean at least I'm not fat like you
fatty mcfatty
fat mcfatterson
Thicc mean person
Yeah I saw
and I
"I'm a rude dude with an attitude
and a fat cock"