Message from @NotSoBot
Discord ID: 280643441396809729
that message
it was only posted for like one day months ago
Well I saw it posted here not long ago lol
A one day month?
Since when are there 13 months kek
Do you know how to read
Do you have common sense
Do you?
of course not
Ok I'll give you that one
you fucker
for one day months ago
how did you get a one day month'
out of that
or 13 months
No " , "
Well use your common sense
K den
Kirk did you see this
forgive english, i am french. i come to study clothing and fashion at california university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gey also and this very difficult for me, i am very techy person. i never act to be gey with other men before but with wife. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my wife together she is fuck with big dildo also. Se was show me American fashion and then we are kiss. wWe sex together. I never before now am tell my kirk about gay because i am very shame. As i get fock from girl it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Kirk in Massachussetts. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Boston Accent). He say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and he say you boy, do not marry girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH GIRL DILDO, IN MY ASS, CUM IN MY ASS" and kirk very angry me. She not get scared though. I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I get fucked by dildo by wife? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in my french ass.
Towelie wrote that message
what the fuck
those were hsi last words
getting better rogue
much better
You should draw some bimbo lips on her
Friend does it all the time
Youre friends with Miura?
what do you think the odds are rogue will make pictures of him havein sex with tracer once hes good enough