Message from @GGPL
Discord ID: 544836685419118594
Drinking me some faygo red pop right now
Is delicious
<a:FlashingSwattie:533785955425845258> <a:FlashingSwattie:533785955425845258>
<a:FlashingSwattie:533785955425845258> <a:FlashingSwattie:533785955425845258>
Sorry just had to clear away whatever was above it
@Grim Creeper what should i say ti get verified there, i dont know ideologies for mentally handicapped
My nuggers
kirk is trying hard not to get banned
too bad server avarage is right wing
I legit knoq that him saying we aren't right wing is just a cover
We most definitely are
Perhaps not alt right but still reactionary
we are the alt right and we fuck shia in the ass
no homo
we sex leftists untill they become right winged
Do you happen to know if Kirk holds grudges?
Huh I am a little paranoid about the thought of him logging all comments
That could easily be used to black mail some people