Message from @weiner salad
Discord ID: 299353646288863233
i thought 8pol was down
it is, I'm waiting for 8pol to go back up
^ that's me
ur a big goy
Wew lads
Infiltrating liberal forum... Seems there are no open commies here.
8chan seems to be back up almost entirely.
Hoping none of the really awful boards like /zoo/ or /gore/ get restored.
@weiner salad I know, right?
I don't think I'm going to buy a mic.
Can I just stay here unvetted. I like the memes.
I will however submit reports on antifa and possible solutions.
just advise and sheit.
The very real problem is msm has propaganda in it. This is what fuels left wing extremism.
The most biased reporting I've ever seen about trump has come from msm.
I'm not sure Trudeau even said the original quote.
but he thought it
"If you kill your enemies they win" was actually possible propaganda.
Just saw the news. Why the fuck is Trump buying into the (((war propaganda))) against Syria?
He wouldn't know a false flag if it was stuck in his rear.
He has to buy into the mainstream narrative.
How come?
Image if the CIA was feeding you flase info. How would you be sure?