Message from @orangemon

Discord ID: 527706567672332289

2018-12-27 04:34:19 UTC  

No he waz a good boi

2018-12-27 04:34:26 UTC  

He dindu nothin

2018-12-27 04:34:49 UTC  

.yt Jimmy Saville song

2018-12-27 04:35:10 UTC  

dam this server is defib

2018-12-27 04:35:10 UTC  

.yt Jimmy Saville song

2018-12-27 04:35:24 UTC  


2018-12-27 04:35:25 UTC  

I’ll believe you

2018-12-27 04:35:30 UTC  

gud jimmy

2018-12-27 04:35:31 UTC  

listen to this song kek

2018-12-27 04:35:51 UTC  

im listenin to ur mom rn (right now)

2018-12-27 04:36:00 UTC  


2018-12-27 04:36:01 UTC  


2018-12-27 04:36:39 UTC  

ur mum single and get raped by chad

2018-12-27 04:36:51 UTC  

Imma rape ur mum @orangemon

2018-12-27 04:37:02 UTC  

imma rape ur sister

2018-12-27 04:37:04 UTC  


2018-12-27 04:37:10 UTC  

I'll make her sugma muh nutz and popsicle

2018-12-27 04:37:17 UTC  

his mom is dead....

2018-12-27 04:37:18 UTC  

I seent em

2018-12-27 04:37:30 UTC  

2018-12-27 04:37:41 UTC  

I fuck the dead
fyi guys

2018-12-27 04:37:43 UTC  

raped to death by jimmy

2018-12-27 04:37:58 UTC  

rape kill rape again

2018-12-27 04:38:13 UTC  

Go to the grave yard once a week on my days off from work

2018-12-27 04:38:35 UTC  

dead server

2018-12-27 04:38:37 UTC  

Gotta gimme som dat sweet necro pussi

2018-12-27 04:38:51 UTC  

crypt fapping is the working mans hobby

2018-12-27 04:39:19 UTC  

@Luke💯 Feel free to join our most recent partner server
It is very active

2018-12-27 04:39:38 UTC  

People seemed angry at the mall today

2018-12-27 04:39:39 UTC  

haahahahaahahaha ok pls inv

2018-12-27 04:40:07 UTC  

kys gnome

2018-12-27 04:40:29 UTC  

Gnomes are so gay

2018-12-27 04:56:40 UTC  

new doodle haha

2018-12-27 04:56:56 UTC  

work on the legs

2018-12-27 04:57:02 UTC  


2018-12-27 04:57:03 UTC  


2018-12-27 04:57:04 UTC  

fuck u

2018-12-27 04:57:07 UTC  


2018-12-27 04:57:10 UTC  
