Message from @Krieg
Discord ID: 405398248212398080
Whenever someone tells you they’re into crypto ask them to name the top 5 pedophiles
Nobody dumps 10s of thousands into hardware unless they're a mega autist
you can build a rig that can do everything for like 2k
Into coin if you did it early isn’t bad
maybe half that
i meant mining hardware
not gayming
who is worse
Hardware niggers
I'd rather you dump 10s of thousands directly into the coun and retrade it for more than dumping it all into hardware.
Hardware niggers suck
the guy who spends 10,000$ on a bunch of crypto coins that could just vanish or on a bunch of hardware to get said coins that can't just vanish?
Listen buddy
If prices keep going up I'm going to start sieging crypto miner hardware
i'm sure theres plenty that falls off the truck
That would be a good way to mine
its too valuable for there not to be
You should go to some of the crypto discords
A bunch of spergs
video cards are weird because they're going to start falling off the truck after they get to your house.
lol where do you think i was getting those images from
I got banned from most for telling them to buy guns and ammo
Not their electronic toys
i'm sure they know it makes thme a target
hence the windowless rooms and security equipment and shit
I wish a cryptominer lived near me
How do they just have all this money
I'd never have to buy a gpu again
Did these dumb niggers dump 20 yesrs of savings into crypto
Fucking rebirth boomers
@General Otto most of em started with a couple cards and then they just pay for more and you can pay for more quicker the more you get
Itll never end
keep recycling the shitcoins for hardware
I should build a crypto rig
Come live near me if you do
Ill buy all a card
You all*