Message from @General Otto
Discord ID: 405397239683350528
same with the second you drive your new car off the lot
I hope that guy with a mountain of cards got some dead ones
Selling your car will still get you a few thousand dollars
But if crypto crashes 1080ti will be so cheap
If crypto crashes you can expect to see a fuck load of 1080s going for 300-500 bucks
Lucky to get 600 for them
new ones won't be
wheres those 2080s anyways
fucking nvidia niggers
you know what they'e the most afraid of though
its not the market crashing
its asics
I have to buy new cards the second they come out because if I don't the price actually GOES UP due to crypto miners
Kill crypto miners
Put crypto down
^C ^C
So the price goes up because they cant ship them fast enougj?
i was't mining i swear
It’s ok you want nigger death so it’s alright
They can't ship them fast enough #1 and #2 stores will start making shit up and creating fake shortages
so who is worse in your opinion..people dumping tens of thousands of dollars into coins or tens of thousands of dollars into hardware?
Whenever someone tells you they’re into crypto ask them to name the top 5 pedophiles
Nobody dumps 10s of thousands into hardware unless they're a mega autist
you can build a rig that can do everything for like 2k
Into coin if you did it early isn’t bad
maybe half that
i meant mining hardware
not gayming
who is worse
Hardware niggers
I'd rather you dump 10s of thousands directly into the coun and retrade it for more than dumping it all into hardware.
Hardware niggers suck
the guy who spends 10,000$ on a bunch of crypto coins that could just vanish or on a bunch of hardware to get said coins that can't just vanish?
Listen buddy
If prices keep going up I'm going to start sieging crypto miner hardware
i'm sure theres plenty that falls off the truck
That would be a good way to mine