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2017-08-17 15:28:43 UTC  

🇪🇸 **HAPPENING: Van crashes into pedestrians in Barcelona's city center**

A van has crashed into dozens of people in Barcelona's city center, Spanish media reported.
Authorities are looking for the driver of the vehicle, who escaped on foot, according to El Nacional.

2017-08-17 17:04:02 UTC

2017-08-17 17:07:13 UTC

2017-08-17 19:46:01 UTC  


**Moderate muslims taking responsibility**

2017-08-17 19:46:02 UTC  


2017-08-17 19:57:33 UTC  


2017-08-17 19:58:05 UTC  


2017-08-17 21:51:55 UTC

2017-08-18 14:28:51 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Two Former Wasserman Schultz IT Aides Indicted For Conspiracy Against US**

A federal grand jury Thursday indicted two former information technology (IT) aides of Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz — Pakistani-born Imran Awan and his wife Hina Alvi — on four counts of conspiracy in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

“Defendants AWAN and ALVI did unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly conspire, combine, confederate, and agree with each other to commit offenses against the United States,” including bank fraud, false statements, and unlawful monetary transactions, the indictment said.

2017-08-18 14:33:06 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Netanyahu’s Son: American Left-Wing Orgs Pose Bigger Threat Than Neo-Nazis**

Netanyahu posted on Facebook, *“To put things in perspective, I’m a Jew, I’m an Israeli, the neo nazis scums [sic] in Virginia hate me and my country. But they belong to the past. Their breed is dying out.”*

He added that *“the thugs of Antifa and [Black Lives Matter] who hate my country (and America too in my view) just as much are getting stronger and stronger and becoming super dominant in American universities and public life.”*

PM Netanyahu himself tweeted Tuesday that the events in Charlottesville “outraged” him, specifically the “expressions of anti-Semitism, neo-Nazism and racism.”

2017-08-18 14:53:55 UTC  


***Seattle’s mayor: Lenin statue needs to come down***

- Seattle mayor agrees on Posobiec that statue needs to come down
- He also mentions that Lenin statue and other Confederate statue in Seattle are in private property
- But communists arent people so it's not violating the NAP

SEATTLE — Seattle’s mayor wants Fremont’s privately owned Lenin statue taken down, likening it to Confederate monuments as a symbol of “hate, racism and violence.”

A day after a small group led by conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec called for the statue’s removal, Mayor Ed Murray agreed it should be taken from its spot in the Seattle neighborhood.

The mayor further explained his desire in an interview with Q13 News’ Brandi Kruse.

“I have had a position on that for years, because Fremont sits in my old legislative district,” Murray said. “That monument represents to many people in this city that their families having been murdered.”

“We can’t tell the private property owner what to do,” Murray said. “But we can say we think this isn’t a good message to the city.”

An American military veteran and teacher spotted the sculpture in an Eastern European scrap yard 1989, and mortgaged his house to bring the sculpture to Issaquah. The teacher recognized the statue as a piece of art, regardless of its subject.

The statue is now owned by the teacher’s family, and it sits at the “temporary viewing” site in Fremont while it’s for sale for $250,000.

According to, the presence of the sculpture is supposed to illicit a wide range of responses as a piece of art.


2017-08-18 17:00:26 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Steve Bannon is out at the White House**

President Trump has decided to remove adviser Stephen K. Bannon from the White House, the New York Times is reporting.

In recent weeks, the president has openly mused about dismissing his controversial campaign architect.

2017-08-18 19:03:34 UTC

2017-08-18 19:30:17 UTC  

F for Steve

2017-08-18 21:52:55 UTC  


***Bannon Says He’s ‘Going to War for Trump’ After White House Exit***

- Steve isnt stopping
- People were right, now he's unchained from WH regulations

Stephen Bannon said in his first public remarks since his ouster from White House role as chief strategist that he will be “going to war” for President Donald Trump, warning that he will continue to press the populist cause against the political and corporate establishment.

“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents -- on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon said Friday in an interview with Bloomberg News hours after his departure was announced by the administration.


2017-08-18 21:53:29 UTC  


**Joshua Green, Bannon's biographer, reaffirms his stance**

2017-08-18 21:53:33 UTC  


2017-08-19 14:07:31 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Google, other tech companies warned over ‘dangerous’ banning of neo-Nazis, hate groups**

Neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer has been pushed offline or perhaps to the dark web by GoDaddy, Google and Cloudflare, which one by one made it impossible for the news and commentary provider to keep operating after it published an article that slammed the dead victim of the violence in Charlottesville.

But the Electronic Frontier Foundation is warning of the dangers of censoring speech, no matter how horrendous or offensive.

“All fair-minded people must stand against the hateful violence and aggression that seems to be growing across our country,” the San Francisco-based online advocacy group said in a blog post Thursday. ***“But we must also recognize that on the Internet, any tactic used now to silence neo-Nazis will soon be used against others, including people whose opinions we agree with.”***

2017-08-19 14:10:08 UTC  

🍩 **Eating disorders linked to history of theft**

Women with anorexia nervosa or bulimia are up to four times more likely to be convicted of theft - often petty thefts like shoplifting - compared to peers without eating disorders, according to results from a large Swedish study.

This increased risk of criminality in women with eating disorders is something doctors should pay attention to because convictions could increase a patient’s stress and anxiety, interrupt treatment and hamper recovery, the authors write in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, online August 9.

2017-08-19 14:14:38 UTC  

🇺🇸 : **‘I am not resigning,’ lawmaker says, defying calls after Trump assassination post**

Chappelle-Nadal, a University City Democrat, has faced calls by Missouri’s top Democrats and Republicans demanding she resign from the legislature over a comment she posted on her personal Facebook Thursday: *“I hope Trump is assassinated.”*

But in a series of tweets after the calls from her fellow Democrats to resign, she struck a defiant tone. “I am not resigning,” she said. “When (people of color) are respected by this (White House) & they are willing to do real work, I’ll sit down with them. **People are traumatized!”**

2017-08-19 14:30:13 UTC  

🇫🇮 **Turku knife attacker was asylum seeker, presumably targeted women – investigators**

The suspect behind the deadly stabbing attack in the Finnish city of Turku was an 18-year-old Moroccan asylum-seeker, investigators said, adding that it seems the attacker deliberately targeted women.
“The suspect was seeking an asylum [in Finland],” Robin Lardot of the Central Bureau of Investigation said at a press conference on Saturday.

The attacker arrived in Finland in 2016, Lardot said, adding that it was not clear if the man was denied asylum. Apart from the prime suspect, Finnish police detained four Moroccan citizens, Krista Granroth of the Central Bureau of Investigation said.

The suspect seems to have deliberately targeted women, Granroth said, adding that both killed were women. Four of the six injured are also women, she stated, adding that the two men who were injured seemed to be protecting the women during the attack.

2017-08-19 21:13:33 UTC  



2017-08-19 21:13:36 UTC  


2017-08-20 16:23:20 UTC  


***Linda Sarsour’s Terrorist Friend Stripped Of Citizenship, Permanently Banned From U.S.***

- Rasmea Odeh, Women's March organizer, and a convicted terror suspect in Israel bombing, got deported
- Falsifying citizenship document, not disclosing her terror ties

An associate of Linda Sarsour and an organizer for the Women’s March – who is a convicted terrorist and murderer – was stripped of her citizenship and ordered to be deported from the United States on Thursday after lying to U.S. officials.

Rasmieh Yousef Odeh (First name also spelled Rasmea), 70, lost her citizenship and will be removed from the U.S. for intentionally falsifying her U.S. citizenship documents after an in-depth investigation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), according to a statement from ICE.

“Today’s court action clears the way for this defendant’s removal from the United States and should serve as an unequivocal message that the U.S. will never be a haven for those seeking to distance themselves from their past atrocities,” Francis said.

“Had Odeh revealed the truth about her criminal history, as she was required to by law, she never would have been granted an immigrant visa, admitted to the United States, allowed to live here for the last 22 years, or granted United States Citizenship,” ICE also noted in their statement.


2017-08-21 19:25:04 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Man Arrested For Alleged Attempt To Bomb Confederate Statue**

On Monday, a 25-year-old man from Houston, Texas, was arrested as police accused him of attempting to bomb a Confederate statue at a Houston park on Saturday.

Federal prosecutors said Andrew Schneck was charged with attempting to maliciously damage or destroy property receiving federal financial assistance. Prosecutors said a Houston park ranger discovered Schneck kneeling near a statue of Richard Dowling, with two boxes with duct tape and wires and a bottle with liquid comprised of compounds used as explosives.

When confronted Scheck apparently tried to drink some of the liquid explosives but spit it out, according to the Houston Chronicle. He admitted had other chemicals at his home near Rice University.

2017-08-22 02:25:56 UTC  


**Columbus statue in Baltimore vandalized (smashed and destroyed)**

- Antifa/commies sledged a 225 yr old memorial
- You think they'll stop there?

Baltimore’s 225-year-old monument to Christopher Columbus, said to be the oldest in the country and the world dedicated to the explorer that is still standing, has been severely vandalized.

A video posted today shows someone smashing the inscription at the base of the 44-foot-tall obelisk located at the intersection of Harford Road and Walther Avenue, across from Herring Run Park.

In the video, one person smashes the monument with a sledge hammer as another holds a sign. An unidentified narrator explains why the action was being taken:

*“Christopher Columbus symbolizes the initial invasion of European capitalism into the Western Hemisphere. Columbus initiated a centuries-old wave of terrorism, murder, genocide, rape, slavery, ecological degradation and capitalist exploitation of labor in the Americas. That Columbian wave of destruction continues on the backs of Indigenous, African-American and brown people.

“Racist monuments to slave owners and murderers have always bothered me. Baltimore’s poverty is concentrated in African-American households, and these statues are just an extra slap in the face. They were built in the 20th century in response to a movement for African Americans’ human dignity. What kind of a culture goes to such lengths to build such hate-filled monuments? What kind of a culture clings to those monuments in 2017?”*

2017-08-22 02:26:29 UTC

2017-08-22 02:26:32 UTC  


2017-08-22 11:01:53 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Trump commits U.S. to open-ended Afghanistan war; Taliban vow 'graveyard'**

President Donald Trump committed U.S. troops to an open-ended war in Afghanistan, a decision the Afghan government welcomed on Tuesday but which Taliban insurgents warned would make the country a *"graveyard for the American empire"*.

Trump offered few specifics in a speech on Monday but promised a stepped-up military campaign against the Taliban who have gained ground against U.S.-backed Afghan government forces. He also singled out Pakistan for harboring militants in safe havens on its soil.

Trump, who had in the past advocated a U.S. withdrawal, acknowledged he was going against his instincts in approving the new campaign plan sought by his military advisers but said he was convinced that leaving posed more risk. *"The consequences of a rapid exit are both predictable and unacceptable,"* he said. *"A hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum that terrorists, including ISIS and al Qaeda, would instantly fill."*

2017-08-22 15:08:10 UTC  

🇪🇸 **1,000s of Muslims march against terrorism in Barcelona after van attack (PHOTOS)**

Some 2,500 Muslim demonstrators marched in Barcelona to condemn terrorism. The rally kicked off at the Plaza de Catalunya, close to where a suspected Islamist rammed a van into pedestrians on Las Ramblas, killing 14 and injuring 100 people.

Muslim communities of Barcelona gathered on Monday evening at the square to support the victims and condemn Islamist terrorism, El Pais reported.

People from across the city began flocking to the venue, reaching more than 2,500 by 7pm local time, Barcelona police said. The Plaza de Catalunya lies very close to Las Ramblas, where the devastating terror attack took place earlier this week.

2017-08-22 17:54:37 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Statistics Professor Temporarily Banned By Google Without Explanation**

A statistics professor who served for two years as Director of Analytics in the U.S. Department of the Treasury for the TARP program had his account temporarily banned by Google, and he is bewildered as to exactly why. Salil Mehta, who has taught at Columbia University and Georgetown University, found on Friday that his account was banned, which was especially puzzling because no reason was given as to why.

Mehta noted that his work is not partisan; he had both “worked with both the Obama administration and advised on polling statistics for the Trump campaign.” He added that he gave all the proceeds of his best-selling statistics book to charity.

He added, “I have many students, family, coworkers, etc who typically send me e-mails each day and all of it is vanishing with a kicked-back “user doesn’t exist” error. And that’s totally unacceptable. Through my many companies have business accounts on different social media and have no issue getting a marketing line, but one needs to know who they are dealing with and not treat them this badly. The wrongs here are not being done by me.”

2017-08-22 23:44:14 UTC  

🇰🇵 **U.N.: N.Korea supplying Syrian chemical weapons program**

A North Korean mining firm, reputed to be a front for Pyongyang’s weapons development programs, attempted to ship materiel to Syrian officials tied to the country’s chemical weapons program, according to a confidential United Nations assessment of international sanctions against the North.

The shipments never arrived in Syria after being intercepted by international authorities from U.N. partner nations, Reuters reports. “Two member states interdicted shipments destined for Syria. Another member state informed the panel that it had reasons to believe that the goods were part of a KOMID contract with Syria,” the U.N. review states.

2017-08-23 18:54:21 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Trump threatens government shutdown over border wall funding**

President Trump on Tuesday threatened to shut down the federal government if Congress doesn't present him with a spending bill for the next fiscal year that includes funding for a wall on the southern border.

*"The obstructionist Democrats would like us not to do it, but believe me, if we have to close down our government, we're building that wall,"* Trump said at a rally in Phoenix.

Trump reiterated his message that he was elected to help boost national security and keep illegal immigrants out of the country, many of whom he said are dangerous. He noted that he's met with several families who have lost loved ones due to violence by illegal immigrants.

*"I promised these families the deaths of their loved ones will not have been in vain,"* he said.

2017-08-23 18:57:33 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Math is 'unjust and grounded in discrimination,' educators moan**

Two national mathematics organizations are on a mission to prove that math education is *“unjust and grounded in a legacy of institutional discrimination.”*

The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) and TODOS: Mathematics for All *“ratify social justice as a key priority in the access to, engagement with, and advancement in mathematics education for our country’s youth,”* the groups declared last year in a joint statement, elaborating that *“a social justice stance interrogates and challenges the roles power, privilege, and oppression play in the current unjust system of mathematics education—and in society as a whole.”*

2017-08-24 09:45:02 UTC  

🇺🇸 **UN racism committee issues 'warning' over US tensions**

Geneva (AFP) - A UN committee tasked with combatting racism has issued a formal "early warning" over conditions in the United States, a rare move often used to signal the potential of a looming civil conflict. The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination said it had invoked its "early warning and urgent action procedure" because of the proliferation of racist demonstrations in the US.

It specifically noted the unrest in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which a woman was killed after an avowed white supremacist ploughed his car into a group of anti-racism counterprotestors.

The racism committee, part of the UN human rights office, can issue a formal early warning to help prevent "existing problems from escalating into conflict" or to "prevent a resumption of conflict where it has previously occurred", according to the rights office website.

2017-08-24 09:51:29 UTC  

🇸🇾 **Civil war in Syria ‘de-facto over’ – Russian defense minister**

The implementation of de-escalation zones in Syria and the separation of terrorists from opposition have allowed to intensify the fight against terrorism, effectively ending the civil war in the country, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said. He praised the efforts of Lebanese army to eradicate Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and the Al-Nusra front terrorist group in areas they hold on the Lebanon-Syria border. On Tuesday, the Lebanese army launched the third phase of the ongoing operation, targeting IS-held areas alongside the border.

*“Both we and you understand that the terrorist flow from one country to another cannot go on perpetually. We wish that our western partners understood that too, and separated the moderate opposition from terrorists at last, ceasing indiscriminate support to everyone,”* Shoigu said.

Shoigu then brought up the example of the situation in Syria, arguing that the separation of the terrorists from opposition allowed to “de-facto end” the civil war there, allowing a focus on the fight against terrorism.

2017-08-24 18:45:58 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Google Memo Guy Hires Powerhouse Attorney**

Former Google software engineer James Damore authored a memo describing why gender representation discrepancies exist in the tech industry and ripping Google's supposedly "pro-diversity" policies. Refusing to allow one of its own employees to spread conservative-leaning heresies, Google quickly fired Damore. Now, he has hired powerhouse conservative lawyer Harmeet Dhillon to bring a lawsuit against the tech leviathan.

California is an "at-will" state, so Google was allowed to fire Damore. However, he claims he was whistleblowing on illegal activity within Google. If that is true, then his firing would be an unlawful firing. Damore alleges Google treats people preferentially in the hiring process depending on their race or gender.

2017-08-24 18:47:44 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Baltimore's Leaders Admit They Know How To Reduce Murder Rate, But REFUSE To Do It**

In recent years, Baltimore's homicide rate has spiked dramatically, up 50% from just six years ago. The primary reason the city is suffering the alarming increase in crime is on full display in an interview published by the Baltimore Sun this week.

In a rather remarkable admission, Baltimore's progressive law enforcement leaders, State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby (of Freddie Gray trial infamy) and Police Commissioner Kevin Davis, admitted to the paper that the skyrocketing homicide rate — averaging over 300 murders a year, up from less than 200 murders in 2011 — was directly linked to disavowing the more stringent policing policies of the past. *While those more "heavy-handed" policies have clearly proven to work, Mosby and Davis made clear in the interview that they will not let proven success get in the way of their perceived "progress."*

2017-08-24 18:50:45 UTC  

🇬🇧 **Britain Now Censoring 'Homophobic' And 'Transphobic' Social Media**

Arguing that hate speech online typically leads to hate crimes, Alison Saunders, director of public prosecutions for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), wrote in The Guardian that all speech "whether shouted or tweeted" will come under legal scrutiny. Saunders says the measure could provide a helpful template for "how societies might do more to prevent such opinions from gestating in the first place."

Without defining what constitutes an actual "hate crime" online, which could range from something as volatile as writing vulgar messages on someone's Facebook wall or as frivolous as sharing an article about the psychological dangers of transgenderism, Saunders vows that the CPS "commits to treat online hate crimes as seriously as those committed face to face."

The CPS defines a hate crime as follows: "any criminal offense which is **perceived** by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice."

2017-08-25 13:11:18 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Study: Social justice activism is 'rife' with 'oppression'**

In an article published Monday in the *Journal of Homosexuality*, Dr. Whitney Hagen of Florida Atlantic University, et al. argue that “activist communities” are hostile toward gay and transgender populations, adding that individuals with “multiple oppressed statuses and identities” are “especially prone to oppression-based experiences, even within minority activist communities.”

*“There’s a lot of fat oppression that I’ve dealt with,”* remarked a respondent referred to as Lorrain, who added that she has *“definitely been heckled for being queer, been discriminated against on a job for being queer, and for being female.”*

She also reported “not feeling at home” at meetings in the trans community, while another woman, Jenny, recounted an experience in which an activism idea she proposed was shot down by a group of older females, whom she felt were “overreacting and really kind of placing the blame on me, as a young feminist.”

Despite such findings, the study concludes by stressing the importance of activism, saying it is important for “combatting internalized oppression and everyday traumas” that yield “positive outcomes.”

2017-08-25 13:15:27 UTC  

🇺🇸 **CNN Claims All Trump Voters Are 'White Supremacists By Default'**

And the violent race riot that took place this month in Charlottesville, leaving one dead, is also the fault of Trump voters, writes CNN's John Blake in a piece headlined ***"'White supremacists by default': How ordinary people made Charlottesville possible."***

*"The tragedy that took place in Charlottesville this month could not have occurred without the tacit acceptance of millions of ordinary, law-abiding Americans who helped create such a racially explosive climate, some activists, historians and victims of extremism say,"* he wrote. And that, of course, means Trump voters. (You though we were going to say the white supremacists who perpetrated the violence were to blame? Pshaw -- it's Trump voters -- duh!)