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2017-08-31 11:18:23 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Petition Demands FBI Release Hillary's Email Records**

The petition on the White House website is a response to the FBI’s rejection of an open-records request by a lawyer seeking to have the former secretary of state punished for perjury. The FBI claims it doesn’t need to release all of the details because of “a lack of public interest.”

The petition states points out that FBI records section chief David M. Hardy told investigator Ty Clevenger that he did not sufficiently demonstrate that the public’s interest in disclosing Clinton’s FBI records “outweighed her personal privacy interests.”

*“This petition will show the executive branch that there is sufficient public interest in releasing all FBI records pertaining to this case,”* it states.

2017-08-31 16:46:38 UTC  


2017-08-31 17:11:36 UTC  

🇺🇸 **US orders closure of Russian Consulate in San Francisco – State Department**

The Russian Consulate in San Francisco, as well as two annex buildings in Washington and New York, will have to close by September 2, the US State Department announced in response to Moscow ordering the US to reduce its diplomatic personnel in Russia.

*"We are requiring the Russian Government to close its Consulate General in San Francisco, a chancery annex in Washington, D.C., and a consular annex in New York City,"* State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement on Thursday.

2017-08-31 18:03:27 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Mattis Signs Orders Sending More Troops To Afghanistan**

Secretary of Defense James Mattis has signed orders to send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan, he revealed to Pentagon reporters Thursday.

Mattis reportedly would not release details on the number of new forces on their way, indicating he needed to notify Congress before elaborating. Previous reports indicate Mattis is authorized to send up to approximately 4,000 troops without any White House approval.

The troop deployment is in line with President Donald Trump’s Aug. 21 speech declaring a new South Asia strategy. Trump emphasized the U.S. would remain in Afghanistan for some time to support the Afghan National Security Forces in the fight against the Taliban and combat violent terrorist organizations like the Islamic State, along with a tougher diplomatic stance toward Pakistan.

2017-08-31 18:07:16 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Comey drafted announcement closing Hillary Clinton probe before key witnesses interviewed: Senators**

The transcripts cited by Republican lawmakers indicates that a draft statement about the conclusion of the investigation was being circulated among a select group of FBI officials as early as April 2016. The senators said that was before 17 key witnesses, including Mrs. Clinton, were interviewed by the FBI.

*“Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation. The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy,”* the senators wrote in a letter sent Thursday to FBI Director Chris Wray.

2017-08-31 18:54:36 UTC  

🇲🇽 **Trump to nix Obama-era amnesty for Dreamers: Report**

President Trump has decided to end the 2012 deportation amnesty for young adult illegal immigrants, Fox News reported Thursday, citing a senior administration official. The report said an announcement could come “as early as Friday” — though the report didn’t say exactly what Mr. Trump’s decision would entail.

He faces several options, including refusing new applications but allowing the nearly 800,000 current enrollees to continue to renew their amnesty; halting the program in its tracks, which would prevent new applications or renewals, putting a two-year sunset on the program; or revoking it altogether, throwing those now protected back into a legal limbo.

Mr. Trump faces a Sept. 5 deadline, imposed by Texas, for deciding what to do.

2017-08-31 19:29:37 UTC  


2017-08-31 19:30:41 UTC  

"The University of Mississippi cut short a fraternity retreat this weekend when a participant threw a banana peel into a tree, which was perceived by some students as a racist act, the Daily Mississippian reported.

"To be clear, many members of our community were hurt, frightened, and upset by what occurred at [the retreat]… Because of the underlying reality many students of color endure on a daily basis, the conversation manifested into a larger conversation about race relations today at the University of Mississippi," Alexa Lee Arndt, interim director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, wrote in a letter Monday to the campus's Greek life community.

Student Ryan Swanson, admitted that he threw the peel in a tree near one of the cabins when he could not find a trash can.

Black students said they came upon the peel after leaving a Saturday morning session on race relations at the university.

The meeting then began to unravel—some participants left the room crying—and students departed from the campsite as they no longer felt "welcome" or "safe."

The remainder of the retreat was officially cancelled that night.

2017-08-31 19:30:48 UTC  


2017-08-31 19:31:19 UTC  

I thought this was satire.....Nope,real news. What the fuck is going on at these colleges?????

2017-08-31 20:17:55 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Trump Pledges $1 Million Of Personal Money To Harvey Relief**

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Thursday that President Donald Trump will personally give $1 million to the Hurricane Harvey relief effort.

Sanders said that Trump told her he will personally give the money to help those affected by the storm and claimed the president told her he asked her to see if journalists in the White House press briefing room will also be giving to relief efforts.

2017-08-31 22:42:37 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Judge orders feds to release details of Clinton email probe after FBI refused request**

U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg said court papers describing the grand jury subpoenas the FBI obtained to compel information from Mrs. Clinton’s Internet service providers can be made public. In doing so, he overruled objections by the Trump administration that had insisted making the information public would violate grand jury secrecy rules.

“After reviewing the document in camera, the Court concludes that it largely rehashes information already made public, thus obviating any need for secrecy,” the judge said. Two groups, Judicial Watch and Cause of Action Institute, have been prodding the government for more information about the Clinton emails, and they cheered the judge’s ruling as a victory for transparency.

2017-08-31 23:44:54 UTC  


CNN has been accused of staging a dramatic piece of footage where reporter Drew Griffin rescues a Texas man who drove his truck into a canal.

Griffin said his crew were setting up a live shot when they “heard a sound”.
The video then cuts to the moment when the vehicle becomes marooned in the water. After about 20 seconds, Griffin is seen running towards the vehicle. He is wearing khaki shorts and trainers.

However, in the next clip, where Griffin is seen pulling the man out of the water, he is now wearing dark pants and boots.
“It happens within seconds,” said Griffin, although people pointed out that it would have taken Griffin more than a few seconds to change his clothing.

“It wasn’t much of a desperate emergency if CNN’s Drew Griffin had time to change from a pair of shorts and sandals into a pair of long pants and boots?” remarks the Conservative Treehouse blog.

“CNN faked rescue video where their anchor “saved a man in a truck,” claimed one tweetthat got over 5,000 retweets.

The comments on the video are littered with people asserting the entire thing was staged.

Others claimed that the man wearing the shorts was a different person.

To be fair to Drew Griffin, although he works for CNN, he can’t be put in the same category as most of their partisan commentators. Griffin has done solid journalism before, particularly when he stood up to the TSA after they put him on a terror watch list.

Perhaps the story is more about how Trump supporters are so irate at the network that they will immediately assume the worst case scenario.

2017-09-01 20:55:13 UTC  


A Hillary voter, confused on the facts surrounding Antifa and liberal violence, explains why he thinks Trump is wrong on all fronts.

2017-09-02 22:43:55 UTC  

🇰🇵 **North Korea says has developed ‘advanced hydrogen bomb’ that can be fitted on ICBM**


North Korea has developed a new, more advanced hydrogen nuke that is small enough to be fitted on a new intercontinental ballistic missile, state media KCNA has claimed.

2017-09-03 13:43:00 UTC  


**Teacher Makes Students Remove Trump Apparel, Says It’s ‘Neo-Nazi’ Slogan**

- Vid on link

A teacher was caught on video telling students to remove their pro-Trump shirts because they’re basically swastikas and Neo-nazi slogans, according to Turning Point USA Saturday.

The video, exclusively obtained by TPUSA, shows a high school teacher at River Ridge High School in Woodstock, Ga., telling her students, “You cannot wear a swastika to school … you cannot wear ‘Make America Great Again’ like that.”

“Please go, at least for this class,” the teacher added. “I don’t care what you do in other classes.”

“Wait so both of them have to like flip their shirts inside out because it says Trump on the top?,” a person in class asked the teacher in the video, which was reportedly recorded Thursday.

“Because it says ‘Make America Great Again'” the teacher replied. “The Neo-Nazis … I’m not saying about Trump, but the slogan,” resembles the white-supremacist Nazi group, the teacher said.


2017-09-03 13:52:32 UTC  


**White House: Trump Administration Takes Antifa Violence ‘Very Seriously’**

- PressSec Sanders mentioned that they take all forms of violence seriously

Federal law enforcement officials in President Donald Trump’s administration will continue to monitor the violent leftist group Antifa, according to the White House. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders responded to reports detailing how federal law officials were monitoring the rise of Antifa in the Obama administration.

“I think we’re certainly constantly monitoring all violence across the country as best we can, and it’s something certainly that the Department of Homeland Security and the administration takes very seriously and is constantly looking for ways to end all violence in all forms,” Sanders said in response to a question from Breitbart News. “So certainly that would qualify.”

Sanders was unable to say whether Trump or his chief of staff Gen. John Kelly who served as the Secretary of Homeland Security before joining Trump at the White House was aware of the federal monitoring of the violent group.


2017-09-03 14:17:30 UTC  


**Madman twitter**

2017-09-03 14:17:34 UTC  


2017-09-03 15:10:26 UTC  

🇺🇸 **70% of youths not fit to serve in military -- obese, drugs, criminal records**

Obesity is costly to the military, said the report. Nearly one-quarter of military recruits are rejected because they are obese and it costs the Pentagon $1 billion a year in added health care costs for obese troops and their families.

More stunning, said the comprehensive 101-page report: " 70 percent of today's youth are not fit to serve in the military due to obesity or being overweight, criminal records, drug misuse or educational deficits."

2017-09-03 21:16:18 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Mattis says any threat to U.S., allies will be met with "massive" military response**

*"Any threat to the United States or its territories, including Guam or our allies, will be met with a massive military response -- a response both effective and overwhelming,"* Mattis said.

Mattis said that all members of the U.N. Security Council "unanimously agreed on the threat North Korea poses" and remain committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

While he said America does not seek the *"total annihilation"* of the North, he added, *"We have many options to do so."*

2017-09-03 21:21:42 UTC  

🇺🇸 **High School Teacher Compares Trump Shirt to 'Swastika,' Orders Student To Change**

According to a video posted by education watchdog group Turning Point USA, a teacher at River Ridge High School in Woodstock, Georgia, ordered a student to remove his shirt, which read "Make America Great Again," because wearing the slogan in school was akin to sporting a Nazi swastika.

The video, posted to Turning Point's Facebook page, appeares to have been taken by a student in the same class as the offending shirt-wearer, and shows the teacher yelling at the student to leave her class because *"just like you can't wear a swastika to school, you cannot wear [Make America Great Again] like that."*

2017-09-03 21:28:48 UTC  

🇺🇸 **JIM CROW: Segregation-Loving Ivy League Students Demand Separate-But-Equal Dorms**

A gaggle of 17 far-left student groups at Princeton University released a lengthy *“solidarity”* statement in the campus newspaper which complains about all the racially integrated housing on campus and asks for racially segregated housing.

The leftist groups complain that there is special housing for art students and environmentalist students but no special *“living spaces based on shared race or ethnicity.”*

Other complaints involve Princeton’s lack of special housing just for gay people and the Princeton administration’s decision to avoid creating a bunch of radical departments ending in the word *“studies”* such as *“Latinx Studies, Native/Indigenous Studies, Asian American Studies and Pacific Islander American Studies.”*

2017-09-03 23:07:36 UTC  


**Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannopoulos, Stephen Bannon Are Invited to Speak at UC-Berkeley**

- Milo, Annie, and Bannon is going to speak on UC Berkeley, September 24-27th
- Antifa will there as expected
- Very big happening soon

A set of conservative firebrands, including Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannopoulos, and the Breitbart News executive and former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon have been invited to speak this September at the University of California at Berkeley.

Asked if the university was worried given the outbreak of violence that has emerged around recent rallies and demonstrations, Mr. Mogulof said yes. He added that it was important that the university host the event, though he said it would be “deeply upsetting” for some people.


2017-09-04 05:09:30 UTC  


**Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay**

- (((Based on two senior WH aides)))
- Breitbart hasn't called it off yet, because there is no official statement
- RINOs and GOPe traitors are jumping in to defend DACA, remember this
- It's either a leak or....

President Donald Trump has decided to end the Obama-era program that grants work permits to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children, **according to two sources familiar with his thinking**. Senior White House aides huddled Sunday afternoon to discuss the rollout of a decision likely to ignite a political firestorm — and fulfill one of the president’s core campaign promises.

The administration’s deliberations on the issue have been fluid and fast moving, and the president has faced strong warnings from members of his own party not to scrap the program.

White House aides caution that — as with everything in the Trump White House — nothing is set in stone until an official announcement has been made.

A spokesman for Ryan did not immediately respond to a request for comment. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement, “A decision is not finalized. We will make an announcement on Tuesday.”

2017-09-04 05:09:41 UTC

2017-09-04 05:10:01 UTC  


2017-09-04 05:31:25 UTC

2017-09-04 19:28:40 UTC  

🇺🇸 **S.Korea, US to lift warhead weight limit on South Korean missiles**

The US agreed to allow South Korea deploy heavier warheads on its missiles after the latest nuclear test by Pyongyang. The existing limit set in a missile pact between Washington and Seoul is 500 kg.

The military cooperation between the US and South Korea places restrictions on missiles that South Korea may deploy on its soil. In 2012, Washington agreed to extend the range limit to 800km, but preserved the 500kg cap on payload weight.

The agreement to lift the weight limit was reached by US President Donald Trump and his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in in a phone call on Monday, the South Korean presidential office said in a statement.

2017-09-04 19:32:14 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Evergreen State Faces $2.1 MILLION Budget Crisis After Radical Students Go Berserk**

The Evergreen State College is facing a $2.1 million budget shortfall and a five percent plunge in enrollment in the wake of this spring’s continuous stream of high-profile protests led largely by radical black students.

The protests which engulfed Evergreen State in May and June involved a “Day of Absence” event “inviting” every white student, professor and administrator to leave campus for a day.

Students should not be alarmed about funding for diversity initiatives, though. *“Our work in equity and inclusion is an important step in this process,”* the memo assures.

2017-09-04 19:50:11 UTC  

🇨🇳 **China says Trump’s trade threat over North Korea ‘unacceptable’**

China on Monday criticized President Donald Trump’s threat to cut off U.S. trade with countries that deal with North Korea and rejected pressure to do more to halt the North’s nuclear development.

A foreign ministry spokesman, Geng Shuang, criticized Trump’s stance as unfair to Beijing. *“What is definitely unacceptable to us is that on the one hand we work so hard to peacefully resolve this issue and on the other hand our interests are subject to sanctions and jeopardized,”* Geng said at a regular news briefing. *“This is unfair.”*

Geng expressed frustration at Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s comment that Beijing had a responsibility to influence North Korea due to its status as the North’s main trading partner. *“We keep stressing that we cannot solely rely on China to resolve this issue,”* Geng said. *“We need all parties to work in the same direction.”*

2017-09-04 19:53:08 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Right-wing group Patriot Prayer urges supporters to let the antifa beat them up in Oregon**

Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson wants to defeat the so-called antifa movement so badly that he’s willing to take a punch or even a beating, and he wants others on the right to do the same.

Mr. Gibson implored his backers to remain peaceful and not hit back when and if they’re attacked by antifa, or anti-fascists, at the Peaceful Portland Freedom March and Texas Donation Drive, scheduled for Sept. 10 in the heart of liberal Oregon.

*“It takes courage to take a beating, to take a beating and to not respond in hatred, but to respond in love,”* Mr. Gibson said Friday on Facebook Live. *“This is how we will win over Portland. This is how people will turn on antifa, and we will finally have a right, a privilege to march in Portland, or any of these areas, once the left and the media begin to call them out.”*

2017-09-04 20:06:13 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Petition asking White House to declare George Soros a terrorist garners enough signatures for reply**

The petition was posted on the “We the People” section of the White House website Aug. 20 and needed to crack the 100,000-signature threshold within 30 days to trigger an official response. As of early Saturday afternoon it’s been digitally signed over 110,000 times.

*“George Soros has willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition against the United States and its citizens,” the petition states, through allegedly creating and funding organizations exclusively devoted to facilitating “the collapse of the systems and Constitutional government of the United States”*

*Mr. Soros “has developed unhealthy and undue influence over the entire Democrat Party and a large portion of the U.S. Federal government,” according to the petitioners, and “the DOJ should immediately declare George Soros and all of his organizations and staff members to be domestic terrorists.”*

2017-09-04 22:24:58 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Threat Increasing for Cuba, Florida from Intensifying Irma**

Several computer models have been confronting meteorologists with some eye-opening intensity forecasts for Hurricane Irma, especially for the period around next weekend, when Irma is currently predicted to be arcing northwest from the Eastern Bahamas. We cannot rule out the chance that Irma will reach Category 5 strength, but we can safely discount some of the most extreme model-generated intensities.

It is becoming more likely that Irma will move close enough to the northern Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, and/or Cuba for significant impacts. There is an increasing chance that Irma will strike the U.S. late in the weekend or early next week, quite possibly as a major hurricane. It is still too soon to predict the location or timing of any U.S. landfall with confidence.

2017-09-05 18:52:15 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Hurricane Irma: Florida governor declares state of emergency as Caribbean brace for impact**

Florida Governor Rick Scott has declared a state of emergency for the entire state in response to Hurricane Irma. A number of idyllic Caribbean islands have been warned that they are in the direct path of the Category 4 storm.

The extreme weather conditions are now expected to barrel past the British Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, Antigua, Montserrat and St Kitts within the next 36 hours, the US National Hurricane Center reports.

Hurricane Irma has also been upgraded to a Category 4 storm in the last number of hours. It is currently surging west over the Atlantic Ocean at 14mph.

2017-09-05 23:09:20 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Irma becomes strongest Atlantic hurricane outside Gulf and Caribbean ever recorded**

Irma spun into a monster storm Tuesday morning with sustained winds topping 180 mph, becoming the strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded outside the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, National Hurricane Center forecasters said in their 11 a.m. advisory.

As the hurricane churns closer to the U.S. coast, its path becomes more certain, with South Florida, particularly the Keys, increasingly likely to take a hit. Tropical storm force winds could arrive as early as Friday. Gov. Rick Scott has declared a state of emergency for all 67 counties and has all 7,000 members of the state’s National Guard to report to duty on Friday.

2017-09-06 15:58:37 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Al Franken will use Senate blue-slip tradition to block Trump judiciary nominee**

Sen. Al Franken said Tuesday that he will use an arcane Senate tradition to try to derail one of President Trump’s appeals court nominees, marking an escalation in what has become a nasty fight over the shape of the federal judiciary.

Mr. Franken said __he is objecting because Judge Stras looks to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and the late Justice Antonin Scalia as role models.__

*“I am concerned that a nominee nurtured by such an ideology would likely seek to impose it on the litigants before him,”* Mr. Franken said in a press release announcing his decision.

2017-09-06 16:12:03 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Charlottesville votes to remove Stonewall Jackson statue**

The Charlottesville City Council in Virginia voted unanimously Tuesday night to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson from a public park.

The vote would also expedite the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee at Emancipation Park, which was at the center of protests last month that turned deadly when a reported Nazi sympathizer plowed into a crowd of counterprotesters.

Tuesday’s vote comes amid a heated national debate, renewed by the Charlottesville protests, concerning Confederate-era monuments and art.

2017-09-06 18:15:37 UTC  

🇺🇸 **CNN Pulled Investigative Team Off Trump-Russia Coverage**

CNN executives explicitly told their investigative team to stop looking into potential ties between the Trump administration and Russia following a series of high profile reporting errors led that to the resignation of three journalists in June.

CNN’s president, Jeffrey A. Zucker, led an investigation into the mishap and found that the story, written by Pulitzer finalist Thomas Frank, was published over the concerns of CNN’s legal team. The investigation revealed that key aspects of Frank’s reporting were based on one source, who expressed trepidation with how the information was presented before the story went to print, a fact Frank failed to relay to his colleagues.

Despite the retraction, CNN has never said the story was incorrect. The network merely states that it *“did not meet CNN’s editorial standards.”*

2017-09-06 22:23:31 UTC  

🇸🇾 **US-led coalition violated intl law in Syria by failing to protect civilians – UN report**

The UN Syria Commission released a report saying it is “gravely concerned” about the impact of international airstrikes in the war-torn country, adding that US-led forces failed to take proper precautions to protect civilians during an attack in Aleppo.

*“The Commission is gravely concerned about the impact of international coalition airstrikes on civilians,”* the report states. It goes on to cite the March 2017 incident in Al-Jinah, Aleppo, in which *“forces of the United States of America failed to take all feasible precautions to protect civilians and civilian objects when attacking a mosque, in violation of international humanitarian law.”*

It also mentions the situation in Raqqa, in which the *“ongoing Syrian Democratic Forces and international coalition offensive to repel [Islamic State or IS, formerly ISIS] has displaced over 190,000 persons, and coalition airstrikes have reportedly resulted in significant numbers of civilians killed and injured.”* It added that investigations are ongoing.