Message from @w7
Discord ID: 502998616831426596
@FireFoxG is that a gopro
Who wants to do a duet with me on tiktok
that is a live feed from this
legit fox 10 camera man was flashing that
and thats a big deal?
you kids are so easily impressed these days
yt bullfrog scream
[Fried:9919] bullfrog scream
for a media company... that is about as based as you can get
they are all cucks to (((them)))
fuck fox10 ever since they got rid of my kinsey
thats a big boy
epic post
Ben Shapiro is a good jew
Same with ROTHBARD
What would be an epic tiktok troll
ded server
How's everyone today
ded server
konata is cute
It's a game insurance companies and health Care providers play.
So what actually happens is, this bill is sent to the insurance provider. The insurance provider usually goes "lol no" and they negotiate the price down
The patient generally pays almost nothing out of pocket for child birth because it's a covered event.
Other things like ER visits can be between like 50 -500 dollar copays. Nobody ever pays the amount shown. That's why it's a meme
When you see something like this
Just talk to your insurance and they'll say "ey hospital you're doing this again? fecking stop"
And then for something like this you might pay 10k or something
gotta remember insurance companies make bank
So they can afford to pay